BR Events

Foreign Investors Summit – 5th Edition

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Reasons to attend
Attend the most complex B2B event dedicated to Romania’s competitiveness. Be part of a 3-day summit full of powerful topics and macro level perspectives, investment opportunities, global inspiration and many more!
Be part of the leading business community in Romania. Join the team of high-level executives, entrepreneurs and investors from the strongest foreign communities and the top industries in Romania.
Meet top local and international speakers. Government officials, strategy experts, leading executives of multinational companies, forward-thinkers and actors
Share knowledge and get informed. More than 5 industries will be featured in discussion panels, workshops and key notes.
Get inspired by global leaders and innovators. We’ll bring you hands-on case studies, share success stories and best practices.

With a GDP increase of 7 percent in 2017, Romania is poised to remain among the European Union member states with the highest economic growth rates in 2018 as well. Moreover, after taking over the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first semester of 2019, Romania will be in a position to make its mark on the global stage. The local economy has remained on the radar of foreign investors resulting in fresh inflows of around EUR 4.5 billion in 2017. This figure is set to remain rather constant this year, according to analysts. In the Ease of Doing Business report of the World Bank, Romania was ranked 45th out of 190 global economies surveyed, ahead of fellow EU member states such as Italy, Hungary and Bulgaria. Moreover, multinational companies have continued to create jobs and invest in local operations, while also supporting a burgeoning network of smaller firms as suppliers, which, in turn, created business opportunities for local entrepreneurs. Against this backdrop, Business Review organizes the fifth Foreign Investors' Summit, which will bring together the main foreign business communities for a series of panels, dedicated workshops and keynote speeches in a bid to map Romania's business future. You are invited to join us and discuss the opportunities entailed by Romania’s growth with top-level Romanian and foreign, service providers, high-ranking public officials and key decision makers!


This is a working agenda, please check back periodically for updates

Day 1 - October 30
Country Strategy

Panel discussions, debates and moving-forward notes from decision makers, major actors and officials focusing on one main topic: improving how business is done.

Registration & Welcoming Coffee
Welcome to the 5th Edition of Foreign Investors Summit
Ionut Georgescu
CEO | FWEI & Partner | Business Review
Keynote Speech
Thomas Lubeck
Regional Manager for Central & Southeastern Europe | IFC
Panel Discussion | Harnessing Romania's growth future

•Strategic avenues for Romania's growth path in the next years
•The advantages of the local economy compared to countries the region
•Private sector’s perspective on Romania's main business challenges (HR, taxes, rule of law)
•Policymakers’ perspective on economic development

Lukasz A. Olszewski
Head of Business Development CEE, Turkey and Greece | S&P Global Ratings
Cristian Nacu
Senior Country Officer for Romania & Moldova | IFC
Florin Godean
Country Manager | Adecco Romania
Laurian Lungu
Economic Advisor | FIC & Co-Founder | CPAG
Alina Andrei
Founding Partner at Cabot Transfer Pricing
Moderator - Jorg K. Menzer
Partner, Head CEE Offices | Noerr
Short Coffee Break
Keynote Speech
Alejandro Hajdenberg
Resident Representative for Romania & Bulgaria | IMF
Panel Discussion | Eyes on the future. Ways to enhance Romania's attractiveness as an investment destination

•Future FDI generators in Romania
•Emerging industries with significant business potential on the local market
•Foreign investors’ perspectives on the advantages/challenges of doing business in Romania
•State programs that can increase Romania’s attractiveness for foreign investors (state aid, EU grants)

Radu Constantinescu
Managing partner | Qualitance
Serban Roman
Vice President, Country Director | Enterprise Investors
Daniel Heymann
General Manager | Dräxlmaier Group, Brasov, Romania
Sebastian Popescu
Financial Advisor & Auditor | Noerr Finance & Tax
Dragos Cabat
Managing Partner | RisCo Business Intelligence
Adela Jansen
Board Member | CCIFER & Coordinator | Coalitia pentru Dezvoltarea Romaniei
Moderator - Prof. Dr. Jörg K. Menzer
Partner, Head CEE Offices | Noerr
Lunch & Networking
Panel Discussion | Investing in tomorrows’ workforce. Companies’ involvement in education and training programs

• Does the current education offer answer the needs of the market?
• Examples of companies partnering with universities to offer programs and ensure transfer of knowledge
• Shaping the future of the workforce
• How can Romania’s workforce remain competitive in the face of automatisation

Sorin Mindrutescu
Country Manager & Central and Eastern Europe Cloud Leader | Oracle Romania
Florin Godean
Country Manager | Adecco Romania
Swantje Kortemeyer
Head of Economic Section | German Embassy in Romania
Daniela Buscan
Program Director | Academy + Plus
Flavia Popa
Secretary General | BRD Groupe Societe Generale
Moderator - Oana Barbu
General Manager | ASBIS Romania
Panel Discussion | Romanian cities growing into regional champions

•How local policies can help cities become more attractive for large investors
•Patrulaterala Vestului - Four cities in Romania partner up to develop large-scale projects in multiple sectors
•Success stories of collaboration between municipalities and private investors
•Industries ripe to generate regional champions
•How local authorities can overcome the challenges of the past and prepare the city for the future

Dan Hodoș
Urban Development Expert Alba Iulia Smart City
Ioan Popa
Mayor | Resita, Caras-Severin County
Stefan Ilie
Mayor | Luncavita, Tulcea County
Moderator - Gratian Mihailescu
Founder | Urbanize Hub
Day 2 - October 31
Competitive Power

The second day will highlight Romania’s competitive edge in its bid to attract foreign investment, with a focus on the country’s potential to become an energy hub, the attractiveness of the real estate market and expansion potential of homegrown technology companies.

Registration & Welcoming Coffee
Country Strategy - Day 1 In Review
Opening Remarks | Day 2 | Competitive Power
Stefan-Radu Oprea
Minister For Business, Trade and Entrepreneurship
Fireside Chat | A Romanian Perspective on the Three Seas Initiative. Conclusion
Razvan Nicolescu
Energy & Resources Industry Leader | Deloitte Consulting
Moderator - Sorin Melenciuc
Journalist | Business Review
Panel Discussion | Resources and energy - Foreign investment opportunities in Romania

•The potential of Romania’s Black Sea gas reserves and the impact of the new Offshore Law
•Romania’s strategic position at the crossroads of energy infrastructure/resources
•Gauging the energy investment needs of Romania
•Romania's potential to become a regional energy hub

Bogdan Stanescu
President of the Board | Depogaz
Ruxandra Bologa
Partner, Co-Head of Energy and Natural Resources practice | NNDKP
Alexandru-Valeriu Binig
Senior Advisor | Ernst&Young Romania
Constantin Gheorghe
President | Offshore Competent Authority in Romania
Moderator - Gabriel Avacaritei
Chief Editor | Wing Media Energy Consulting
Short Coffee Break
Keynote Speech
Ioannis Markos
Minister Plenipotentiary for Economic and Commercial Affairs, Head of the Commercial Section | Embassy Of Greece in Bucharest
Panel Discussion | Real Estate – A Foreign Investment Review

•The most attractive property markets in Romania
•Drivers of real estate investments on the local market
•What it takes to bring Romania’s real estate market over the EUR 1 billion investment threshold
•Trends in residential/office/retail/industrial developments

Antoniu Panait
Managing Director | VASTINT Romania
Vlad Tanase
Partner NNDKP, Real Estate practice
Catalin Gavrila
Head of Land Development | Crosspoint Real Estate
Mihai Zaharia
Director of Investments and Capital Markets | Globalworth
Moderator - Andreea Paun
Managing Partner | Griffes
Lunch & Networking
Keynote Speech
Christian Von Albrichsfeld
CEO | Continental Automotive Romania
Panel Discussion | Romania 2.0 – Low Tech & High Tech Investments

•Making Romania more attractive for R&D intensive companies
•Digitalization journey for local companies
•The growth patterns of Romania’s IT sector – its role as driver of economic growth
•Romania becoming more attractive for tech giants – how to consolidate this trend

Shibu Nambiar
SVP & COO | Genpact Europe
Bogdan Popescu
VP | ANIS, Marketing & Operations Director, Interim. GM | Microsoft Romania
Catalina Dodu
Country Manager | Atos IT Solutions & Services
Dorin Pena
General Manager | Cisco Romania
Philippe Beucher
Executive Managing Director | Capgemini Romania
Ioan Cocan
Managing Partner | Tremend
Bogdan Florea
CEO | Connections Romania
Moderator - Dan Nechita
Co-Founder & President | Smart Everything Everywhere
Panel Discussion | Roads to Romania - Hopes for better infrastructure

•How to speed up the development of physical infrastructure in Romania
•Legal and funding solutions for efficient infrastructure investment
•The transportation industry’s approach to the slow pace of infrastructure development

Cristian Nacu
Sr. Country Officer for Romania and Moldova, IFC
Sebastian Metz
General Manager | AHK RUMÄNIEN
Sebastian Burduja
Managing Partner | RISE Consortium, Romania Investment Solutions Experts
Gratian Mihailescu
Founder - Urbanize Hub
Moderator - Sorin Melenciuc
Journalist | Business Review
Panel Discussion | The economic case for sustainability

•New directions for a sustainable future
•The political and economic case for sustainability
•The potential of the circular economy to help Romania’s development
•Trends in waste management and their business implication
•The role of technology in helping Romania meet recycling targets

László Borbély
State Advisor, Head Of The Department For Sustainable Development
Alexandru Mustata
Campaign Coordinator | Bankwatch Romania
Roxana Sunica
Marketing, Communication & Corporate Affairs Manager | FEPRA International
Codruta Vulcu
Owner/CEO | Artmania
Moderator - Claudiu Craciun
Lecturer in European Politics | SNSPA
Day 3 - November 1
Mapping Growth

The third day of the Foreign Investment Summit will take a look at the kind of growth companies need to achieve and the means to achieve that. We’re discussing about the collaboration between corporations and startups that has become crucial for innovation and growth; we’re also acknowledging the Romanian star cities who’ve taken a lead in attracting investments and discuss best practices. As an important ingredient in Romania’s growth, we’re taking a look at the Romanian entrepreneurial ecosystem and its readiness and urge to play internationally.

Registration & Welcoming Coffee
Competitive Power | Day 2 In Review
Opening Remarks Day 3 | Mapping Growth
Keynote Speech
Emanuele Musa
Co-Founder | Babele
Panel Discussion | Multinationals harnessing growth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem

•Multinationals are embracing the startup attitude – what it means for innovation
•Boosting the role of incubators, accelerators, universities and other higher education institutes in the Romanian entrepreneurial ecosystem
•Large companies’ role in boosting the local entrepreneurial scene

Catalin Calota
Account Manager | Mastercard Romania
Dan Oros
Marketing Manager | Google Romania
Claudiu Vrinceanu
Advisor and Co-Founder | RISERS NET
Dan Nechita
Co-founder and President | Smart Everything Everywhere
Florin Grosu
President | Young Leaders Club
Irina Roncea
Deputy Managing Director | Golin Bucharest
Moderator - Matei Dumitrescu
VP TechAngels & Director | Founder Institute
Short Coffee Break
Panel Discussion | Why invest in Romania now. Companies that entered the Romanian market recently discuss growth opportunities

• What attracted foreign companies that entered the Romanian market
• Why is Romania a competitive investment destination now?
• Local challenges and opportunities vs. countries in the region
• Inter-regional competition. Which regions are most attractive for investors and why?
• Growth opportunities forecasted for the first year on the market

Irina Scarlat
Country Manager, Romania | Revolut
Dragos Gheban
Managing Partener | Catalyst Solutions
Ivan Mihaylov
Director Sofia Technical Center | Visteon Corporation
Ionut Constandache
FX Dealer | Ebury
Moderator - Mihai Ivascu
CEO | Modex & CEO and Founder | MoneyMailMe
The Innovation Labs Project
Horia Velicu
Head of Innovation Lab at BRD - Groupe Societe Generale
Daniel Rosner
Progam Manager | Innovation Labs Romania
Lunch & Networking
Harnessing Stratup Innovation for the Triple Bottom Line: PepsiCo & ReUse Hub
Walentin Stefanov
East Balkan CFO | PepsiCo
Lucian Gramescu
Innovaton & Incubation Manager | Impact Hub Bucharest
Panel Discussion | The need for Romanian companies to go global and play internationally

•Why is it important for Romanian companies to start growing into international ones and what it takes to get there.
•A closer look to those who’ve done it: lessons along the way.
•Challenges and opportunities: what are the main advantages and what are some of the challenges of tapping new markets?
•How do you test product market fit in new markets

Matei Dumitrescu
VP | TechAngels & Director | Founder Institute
Calin Vaduva
CEO | Fortech
Xenia Muntean
CEO & Co-Founder | Planable
Mihai Ivascu
CEO | Modex & CEO and Founder | MoneyMailMe
Dragos Doros
Tax Partner | KPMG Romania
Gabriel Iștoc
General Manager | B-team Consult and Services
Moderator - Diana Popp
Co-founder & Vice President | Smart Everything Everywhere
“5 percent of growth is your red ocean. Keep it going and add blue ocean elements such as the location of the country, health and education systems”
John Riker
Blue Ocean Strategy – Initiative Centre
“When going abroad, Dacian Ciolos is in the middle of attention. (…) Right now, we are having people from Germany, France that want to have bilateral meetings with us”
Dragos Pislaru
Minister, Ministry of Labor
“At the FIC we believe that there are 3 pillars important in the infrastructure, infrastructure of all kinds, human capital, the efficiency of the public and private sector”
Eric Stab
President, Foreign Investors Council
Stefan-Radu Oprea
Minister for Business, Trade and Entrepreneurship
László Borbély
State Councilor, Head of the Department for Sustainable Development

Mr. BORBÉLY has an extensive expertise in fields such as Global Environment Protection, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Regional Development and Foreign Affairs, especially due to his experience as Secretary of State in the Ministry of Public Works and Regional Planning (1996-2000), Minister-Delegate in the Ministry of Transportation, Constructions and Tourism (2004-2007), Minister of Development, Public Works and Housing (2007-2008) and Minister of Environment and Forests (2010-2012). Starting May 2017 he is a State Counsellor of the prime-minister of Romania on Sustainable Development coordinating the implementation of the UN Agenda 2030 at national level.

Lukasz A. Olszewski
Head of Business Development CEE, Turkey, Greece and Ukraine | S&P Global Ratings

Lukasz is Head of Business Development in CEE region, Turkey, Greece and Ukraine with primary responsibility for generating new interactive relationships and market outreach. In addition Lukasz also manages relationships with the largest existing S&P clients in the region. Before joining Standard & Poor’s, Lukasz was a Director in the Investment Banking departments at Citigroup (London and Warsaw), Haitong and PKO BP. At Citibank Handlowy he was actively involved in re-establishing investment banking operations in Warsaw.

Thomas Lubeck
Regional Manager Central and South East Europe | IFC

Thomas E. Lubeck is the Regional Manager for Central and Southeastern Europe at IFC. In this capacity, he oversees IFC activity in 15 IFC member countries including strategy, business and partnership development. He has two decades of successful investing in emerging markets in Southern and Eastern Europe and South Asia. He led innovative projects in capital market development, renewable energy infrastructure and anti-crisis investing in the financial sector. Mr. Lubeck joined IFC in 1997 as an investment analyst and has since worked in Southern Europe, Latin America and South Asia. He holds a Masters in Accountancy from George Washington University in Washington, DC

Alejandro Hajdenberg
Resident Representative for Bulgaria and Romania | IMF

Mr. Hadjenberg is Argentinian; has been the IMF Resident Representative for Romania and Bulgaria since April 2016. Before he was senior desk economist for Cyprus, where he played an important role in the financial assistance program following the 2013 financial crisis. Mr. Hajdenberg’s previous country experience includes assignments on Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, Colombia, Uruguay and Georgia. Prior to joining the European Department, he spent six years in the Fiscal Affairs Department, where he was involved in a wide range of fiscal policy issues. He has strong analytical skills and a thorough knowledge of IMF policies and procedures.

Cristian Nacu
Senior Country Officer for Romania & Moldova | IFC

For 10 years Cristian Nacu has been Partner in Enterprise Investors, one of the largest and oldest private equity firms in Central and Eastern Europe and he managed EI's Representative Office in Romania. Previously, Cristian Nacu worked as investment professional for over 6 years for International Finance Corporation within the World Bank Group and for two years as top executive for Fondul Proprietatii de Stat, the former governmental privatization agency. He also had a prestigious non-profit activity being board member or chairing many professional or non-profit organizations. He is Chairman of the board of Junior Achievement Romania, one of the world largest educational organization for entrepreneurial skills and has been for many years President of SEEPEA, the South Eastern European private equity association and board member of Nesst Foundation Romania.

Adela Jansen
Board Member CCIFER & Coordinator of Coalitia pentru Dezvoltarea Romaniei

Adela Jansen is the standing coordinator of Coaliția pentru Dezvoltarea României, the biggest Romanian business organization. Its main purpose is to provide a cohesive basis for consultation with the Government and other public institutions on topics that impact the business and economic environment in Romania. With an extensive experience in HR, she is a member of the Board of Directors of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Romania (CCIFER) and in some other private associations.

Swantje Kortemeyer
Head of Economic Section | German Embassy in Romania
Ioannis Markos
General economic & commercial counselor, Embassy of Greece in Romania
Laurian Lungu
Economic Advisor| FIC & Co-Founder | CPAG

Laurian Lungu is the co-founder of Consilium Policy Advisors Group (CPAG) economic think-tank. He holds a PhD in Economics from Cardiff University, a MA in Economics from University of Liverpool and a MBA degree from the Canadian MBA Program. Previously, he taught at Cardiff University’s Economics department while carrying out applied research in the fields of macroeconomic forecasting, economic policy modelling and international finance. He authored and co-authored a number of articles and analyses published in internationally renowned professional journals and books as well as in the domestic media.

Dr. Daniel Heymann
General Manager | DRÄXLMAIER Group, Brasov, Romania

Dr. Daniel Heymann graduated from Rosenheim University, Germany, specializing in Engineering in Wood Technology. In November 2010, he obtained his PhD in Wood and Fiber Technology from the University of Mechanical and Engineering Sciences in Dresden, Germany. After completing his studies, he worked in the research department at Competenz Zentrum Holz GmbH, Vienna, Austria. He joined the DRÄXLMAIER Group in 2008 where he first worked in the department of Technology and Innovation Management in Vilsbiburg, Germany. In 2012, he transferred to the DRÄXLMAIER plant site in Brasov, Romania, to head the Industrial Engineering department. Daniel Heymann was named plant manager of the DRÄXLMAIER site in Brasov in February 2016.

Christian Von Albrichsfeld
Country Manager | Continental Romania
Dan Oros
Marketing Manager | Google Romania

Dan is leading the Marketing department at Google, managing the B2B, B2C and Brand & Reputation initiatives of the company. Prior to joining Google, Dan was Country Manager for BlaBlaCar, the world largest’s carpooling platform, in Romania, Hungary and Croatia. Before that he worked as management consultant for A.T. Kearney and as Head of Special Projects for Ana Holding.

Florin Godean
Country Manager | Adecco Romania

Experienced Country Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the staffing and recruiting industry, Florin graduated Management and Economics specialization at West University of Timisoara (1996 – 1999). He completed his studies in Lausanne, at the International Institute for Management Development (2008-2010). Florin is a strong sales professional, skilled in: Negotiation, Outplacement, Business Planning, HR Consulting and Coaching. Florin Godean leads the Adecco team in Romania since 2010. He has been with the company ever since it entered the Romanian market in 2000 (Timisoara). He ensured that all internal processes have a foundation for a healthy and efficient growth. In 2011, when he has been assigned as the Country Manager of Adecco Romania, the company took over the leadership of the national HR services market.

Sorin Mindrutescu
Country Leader | Oracle Romania

Sorin Mindrutescu is the Country Leader for Oracle Romania, as of February 2008. In this role, he is responsible for local sales and project delivery. In this position he has the responsibility to coordinate Oracle's business on the Romanian market as well as to coordinate technical support and support services for customers in Romania and abroad.

Bogdan Popescu
Vicepresident | ANIS, Marketing & Operations Director | Microsoft Romania

Bogdan Popescu is the Marketing and Operations Director and Interim GM of Microsoft Romania. In his primary role, Bogdan is responsible for the implementation of all marketing programs Microsoft is running in Romania, in close coordination with other global initiatives, as well as for all product related activities, aimed to promote and explain to various industry verticals the opportunities and the benefits these products can bring to their operations.

Dorin Pena
General Manager | Cisco Romania

He started his career in 2005, as instructor within CATC Romania. During the same period he worked with Bucharest Polytechnic University, as university assistant. Between 2006 and 2007 he occupied the network specialist position within Ness Technologies, where he was responsible for supporting the sales team in what regards promoting and selling the Cisco products and solutions. In 2007 and 2008 he graduated a Cisco Sales Associate Program in Amsterdam and continued within the team as networking consultant engineer. Between 2009 and 2010 he worked for Romtelecom and then returned to Cisco as Account Manager.

Shibu Nambiar
Chief Operating Officer | Genpact Europe

Shibu Nambiar is a global services executive with over 20 years of experience in business operations, project management, transformation, digital technologies and delivery center set ups. He currently leads a team of over 6000+ professionals across 10 delivery centers in Europe, providing business process management, consulting and digital transformation services for a wide range of industries. Shibu is a promoter of digital transformation strategy, he supports advanced technology deployed on the processes, in order to deliver outstanding experiences for customers and enhanced employees’ experience.

Philippe Beucher
Executive Managing Director | Capgemini Romania

Philippe’s role in Capgemini involves managing Romanian operations and business development on the local market, but also providing services in other European & North American countries with Romanian expertise. He is in charge with the strategy and coordination of the local management team. Philippe managed 3 different IT & Consulting companies in Romania in the last 14 years

Claudiu Vrinceanu
Advisor and Co-Founder | RISERS NET

Claudiu is an advisor (VP Connections) with projects and experience in entrepreneurship, media and governmental institutions. RISERS NET is a startup-founder community built around experienced professionals trying to build their own business

Emanuele Musa
Co-Founder | Babele
Ionut Georgescu
CEO | FWEI & Partner | Business Review
Prof. Dr. Jörg K. Menzer
Partner, Head CEE Offices | Noerr

Prof. Dr. Jörg K. Menzer coordinates Noerr's CEE practice for international clients. He specializes in M&A transactions, and concentrates on structuring major foreign investments and business expansion projects in CEE. He has extensive experience in acquisitions and greenfield investments, based on his knowledge of the business and legal environment in CEE and his excellent networking in the region. In addition, Jörg K. Menzer has worked on many restructurings, private equity investments and capital measures, as well as for public listed companies.

Ioan Cocan
Managing Partner | Tremend

Ioan Cocan is a tech entrepreneur with more than 18 years' experience in software engineering and management. After a career as a software consultant and inspired by his Silicon Valley startup working experience, he co-founded Tremend in 2005. As Managing Partner, he helped grow Tremend's business from a small consulting shop to a 200+ people organization. Tremend has clients in over 15 countries and is frequently featured in various industry rankings such as Deloitte Technology Fast 50 (fastest Romanian company in 2016), FT 1000 and Inc 5000.Aside from software management, Ioan is interested in organizational development, constantly learning from the Romanian community or while visiting various clients. He is an avid reader and an active promoter of Romanian values.

Alexandru-Valeriu Binig
Senior Advisor | Ernst&Young Romania

Valeriu Binig is a Senior Advisor within the Advisory Department in EY Bucharest. Valeriu has 32 years of professional experience in the energy sector and he joined EY in 2014, after 6 years as Corporate Finance Director with Deloitte. Former Deputy General Director for Development,Member of the Board of Administration of RENEL/CONEL (1997 – 2000); Chairman of the Board of Administration for Electrica and Termoelectrica (1998-2000). Has held project management positions in strategic projects dedicated to privatization and attraction of investors in the Romanian energy sector.

Antoniu Panait
Managing Director | VASTINT Romania
Bogdan Florea
CEO | Connections Romania
Serban Roman
Vice President, Country Director | Enterprise Investors
Ruxandra Bologa
Partner, Co-Head of Energy and Natural Resources practice | NNDKP
Vlad Tanase
Partner, Real Estate practice | NNDKP
Ioan Popa
Mayor | Resita, Caras-Severin County
Stefan Ilie
Mayor | Luncavita, Tulcea County
Gratian Mihailescu
Founder | UrbanizeHub
Gabriel Avacaritei
Cheif Editor | Wing Media Energy Consulting
Sebastian Popescu
Financial Advisor & Auditor, Noerr Finance & Tax

Sebastian Popescu is a member of the Romanian Chamber of Financial Auditors and the Romanian Association of Management Consultants. Mr. Popescu has extensive experience in practice areas such as business valuation, financial due diligence, financial auditing according to IFRS, US/German GAAP and Romanian standards, and financial reporting. In cooperation with our specialised state aid team, he has successfully advised on various greenfield investments and expansion projects in Romania and Hungary.

Sebastian Metz
General Manager | AHK Rumänien
Xenia Muntean
CEO and Co-Founder | Planable
Claudiu Craciun
Lecturer in European Politics | SNSPA

Claudiu Craciun is Lecturer in European Politics, Faculty of Political Science, SNSPA. He has been involved in various civic and environmental campaigns. From 2009 he serves as expert for the European Economic and Social Committee.

Alexandru Mustață
Campaign Coordinator | Bankwatch Romania

Alexandru joined Bankwatch Romania in 2015 to run the national campaign on coal power plants and mines. His interests expanded to solutions for the energy system and for the people, becoming CEE Bankwatch's Just Transition Coordinator in 2017 and supporting the network's campaign in six European countries. He has a degree in International Relations and European Studies.

Dan Nechita
Co-founder & President | Smart Everything Everywhere
Diana Popp
Co-founder & Vice President | Smart Everything Everywhere
Alina Andrei
Founding Partner at Cabot Transfer Pricing

Alina Andrei is partner at Cabot Transfer Pricing, the transfer pricing company affiliated to Biriș Goran. Alina has experience in the preparation of transfer pricing files since 2008, the year of the publication of Order no. 222 / 2008 on transfer prices. Up to present, Alina has assisted over 100 local and European companies with the preparation and documentation of transfer pricing files and has advised over 20 companies during TP file audits. Alina is a member of the Romanian Chamber of Tax Consultants and has recently graduated the Executive MBA program at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Bogdan Stanescu
Chairman of the Board | Depogaz
Razvan Nicolescu
Energy & Resources Industry Leader | Deloitte Romania
Sebastian Burduja
Managing Partner | RISE Consortium

Sebastian Burduja is a development advisor and entrepreneur with significant experience across the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. He is the Managing Partner of RISE Consortium, a global network company supporting foreign investments in Romania. His areas of focus include: regional and urban development, corporate and public governance, and infrastructure projects. From 2012 through 2016, he served as a Regional Development Specialist for the World Bank in Washington D.C., focusing on Europe and Central Asia. Previously, he worked as a Consultant for Dalberg Global Development Advisors, a strategic advisory firm specializing in development solutions. He has also worked for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, McKinsey & Co., and the National Endowment for Democracy.

Catalina Dodu
Global Presales Director for Cybersecurity Services | Atos

Catalina is Global Presales Director for Cybersecurity Services Atos. Additionally, she runs the operations of Atos IT Solutions and Services Romania since February 2014. With an experience of over 19 years in IT, previous to being appointed Country Manager, Catalina managed the System Integration division of Atos Romania, and before that, she was Director of Product Management at Bitdefender. Catalina holds a degree in Economics from the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics of the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, as well as a Master degree in IT Project Management. In 2007 she graduated the Romanian-Canadian MBA program.

Calin Vaduva
CEO | Fortech
Radu Constantinescu
Managing partner | Qualitance

Radu truly believes in the power of technology to change the world. He founded QUALITANCE in 2007 with Ioan Iacob and has been coordinating the company’s operations ever since. At the same time, he has been involved in mentoring the new generations of experts as a professor at Cybernetics/Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.

Oana Barbu
General Manager | ASBIS Romania

Oana is General Manager of ASBIS, the IT distribution company that represents, for 20 years in Romania, the business of ASBIS Enterprise. Locally, the company had a turnover of more than 200 million RON and is a trusted partner for over 1500 companies in 3 major business segments: retail - online (consumer focus), traditional resellers (partners with a mixed business model) and partners that focus exclusively on B2B solutions integrators.

Florin Grosu
President | Young Leaders Club

Florin is the president of Young Leaders Club an organization of students and entrepreneurs dedicated to finding the most promising graduates and startups and help them achieve their potential by leveraging a global network of amazing people. Currently YLC runs two programs: YLC Finance, dedicated to the best and brightest in finance & economics looking to jumpstart their international career, and YLC Entrepreneurship, a program bridging startups in the CEE with world class accelerators.

Daniela Buscan
Program Director | Academy+Plus

Daniela is Program Director at Academy+Plus, coding school, tuition free, part of the international network 42. From this position, Daniela developed IT educational products, mentorship programs, exchange programs between trainees and IT companies and revenue streams. Prior to that, Daniela held several positions in marketing, brand management, business development across various industries such as IT, pharmaceutical and advertising. In 2015, Daniela graduated an ExMBA programme from ESCP Europe and she is licensed in Marketing.

Andreea Paun
Managing Partner | Griffes
Catalin Gavrila
Head of Land Development | CROSSPOINT

Catalin Gavrila graduated the Academy of Economic Studies, BSc in Marketing, holding an MBA in Finance and is currently Head of Land Development department. His area of expertise includes investments in real estate markets, financial modelling, sales management, as well as marketing. Catalin joined the Crosspoint team in 2014, taking several roles within different departments in order to get a holistic perspective on the market. For a period, he was in charge with the expansion strategies of the firm’s major retail accounts, with direct involvement on land development sites, identifying desired locations, managing the acquisition process, coordinating the filling of urban plans and bringing together mixed teams of surveyors, agents, architects and urban planners.

Matei Dumitrescu
VP TechAngels & Director | Founder Institute
Irina Scarlat
Country Manager, Romania | Revolut

Entrepreneur at heart, full-stack marketer and experienced people & projects manager, Irina Scarlat has 10+ years of business experience, 7 of them in tech, product marketing & managing teams. She currently leads Revolut's operations in Romania and is committed to putting Romanians back in control of their money. Before joining forces with Revolut, she has been leading the marketing efforts of Uber in Romania, shaping the local strategy and working on strategic regional projects & initiatives. During her time at Uber she has launched 3 cities, scaled the market to 1M users and built the marketing team from scratch. She is a global citizen that has been living, studying & working in seven cities across Europe and the United States and she speaks four foreign languag

Catalin Calota
Account Manager | Mastercard

Cătălin is Account Manager at Mastercard Romania since 2016. He joined Mastercard from Mastercard Advisors and has previous experience in project management, management consulting and FMCG. Cătălin manages business relationships with several traditional Mastercard partners in Romania, while also supporting internal strategic projects. As a management consultant, Cătălin worked on projects in Romania and abroad, dealing mostly with financial institutions, utility companies and FMCG. He is a graduate of the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the Polytechnics University of Bucharest, with a specialization in Industrial Engineering.

Dragos Doros
Tax Partner | KPMG Romania

Dragoș, Tax Partner, has over 23 years’ experience in tax consultancy, mainly in the private sector, but he has also served as President of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) and Director of the Department of Legislation and Direct Taxation within the Ministry of Public Finance. Since joining KPMG he has been instrumental in building the leading Tax Consulting practice in Romania. He has worked with clients from numerous sectors and industries, using his detailed knowledge of legislation and of Romania’s fiscal administration.

Ionut Constandache
FX Dealer | Ebury

Ionut Constandache holds the position of Senior Dealer within the local branch of Ebury Romania. Ionut Constandache has a 10-year experience in the banking sector and is specialized in treasury sales and loans to SME working with OTP bank & Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania. In the Ebury Senior Dealer position, he is responsible for providing customized foreign exchange (FX) risk management solutions to corporate clients involved in global trade so that his clients can benefit, control and / or limit the impact of currency volatility on their company’s profit margin.

Roxana Sunica
Marketing, Communication & Corporate Affairs Manager | FEPRA International
Mihai Zaharia
Director of Investments and Capital Markets | Globalworth

Mihai Zaharia is Director of Investments and Capital Markets at Globalworth since the beginning of 2018. He has an experience of 15 years in the banking sector, period during which Mihai held a series of positions in different companies. Before joining Globalworth team, he was Head of Project Finance Department in OTP Bank Romania’s Corporate Banking Division for 9 years, managing the activity of the Head Office team and the Corporate Coordinators from 12 countries. During the time he was part of OTP Bank team, he also held the positions of Senior Project Manager and Relationship Manager, having a focus on projects targeting the real estate sector. Mihai has a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Management Information Systems and a master’s degree in Information System in Economics from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.

Flavia Popa
Secretary General | BRD Groupe Societe Generale

With over 17 years of experience in the financial and banking system in Romania, Flavia has been active throughout the career in the field of legal advice, leasing and banking. He started his career as a lawyer and then went through stages and involved in all areas of legal activity in a bank, from legal advice to lending, leasing or market operations to legal assistance in litigation, recovery or governance. From 2012, Flavia is Secretary General of BRD. As such, it coordinates various areas such as communication and quality, corporate governance, etc.

Mihai Ivascu
CEO | Modex & CEO and Founder | MoneyMailMe
Dragos Gheban
Managing Partener | Catalyst Solutions

Co-founder of Catalyst Solutions, Dragos has over 10 years of experience in Human Resources field, Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing. During his career, he has worked with local and multinational companies from various industries: telecommunications and technology, FMCG, consulting, banking, engineering, retail and BPO. He has a deep understanding of business dynamics and challenges and has the capacity to design tailored solutions in order to meet the company's employer branding and recruitment needs.

Ivan Mihaylov
Director Sofia Technical Center | Visteon Corporation

As the director of Visteon’s Technical Center in Sofia, Bulgaria, Ivan Mihaylov leads engineering operations at the site and is responsible for growing the facility into Visteon’s largest software development center globally. He is also the Chairman of the Board of the Automotive Cluster in Bulgaria, a non-profit organization which represents the interests of automotive manufacturers, suppliers and organizations providing services for the automotive industry. Mihaylov has more than 15 years of experience in IT, telecommunications, utilities and automotive businesses. He holds a master’s degree in technology commercialization from University of Texas, a master’s degree in management from Sofia University and a master’s degree in computer science from the Technical University in Sofia

Daniel Rosner
Progam Manager | Innovation Labs Romania
Horia Velicu
Head of Innovation Lab | BRD - Groupe Societe Generale
Constantin Gheorghe
President of the Romanian Offshore Regulatory Authority

More than 30 years of full-time experience in the oil & gas industry, with 26 years offshore in various positions spanning Central and Eastern Europe, Black Sea, West and North Africa, Mediterranean Sea and North Sea, Brazil and Persian Gulf. In possession of a broad experience in all HSE aspects of the E&P operations in the domestic and international petroleum industry, doubled by significant experience in management, operations and coordination. Leading the development and implementation of the integrated HSEQ Management System for GSP group of companies since 2006. In September 2014, included in the Group of Initiative established by the Government of Romania for the transposing of the Offshore Safety Directive.

Dragos Cabat
Managing Partner | RisCo Business Intelligence
Gabriel Iștoc
General Manager | B-team Consult and Services SRL
Codruta Vulcu
Owner/CEO | Artmania

Codruta is the founder and festival director of ARTmania, one of Romania's most established events with its 14th edition scheduled for 2019, promoting mainly rock acts. She is also director and founder of Blaj aLive Festival, launched in 2013, which focuses on alternative and electronic music. These two boutique festivals are hosted in Transylvania, the western, historical region of Romania.

Sorin Melenciuc
Journalist | Business Review
Irina Roncea
Deputy Managing Director at Golin Bucharest

With +12 years experience in communication and an extended expertise in brand and corporate PR, as well as CSR and digital PR, Irina manages today Golin`s team of more than +40 PR experts. Also, she is coordinating the work for over 30 companies and brands, local and multinational, and leading award winning campaigns for over 6 years in Golin, the relevance agency that puts strategic and creative thinking at work for its clients, has excellence and performance at its heart and never thinks “this is impossible”.

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    Pitch Competition

    If you are a startup in the early stage, looking for funding, media exposure, customers and ultimately growth opportunities, FWEI & Business Review Club offer you unique opportunities to showcase your product or service during Startup Path event and after.

    The winner will go on a knowledge trip to California US for a month!

    Showcase your Startup
    1. Pitch to multiple investors
    2. Get valuable media exposure
    3. Receive expert feedback
    4. Get access to a network of entrepreneurs, mentors and investors
    5. Win a knowledge trip to California, USA for 1 month
    Judging Criteria
    1. Business model and scalability.
    2. Team: skills, experience and leadership
    3. Financial sustainability
    4. Open to scale globally
    1. The business solves a real problem
    2. Focus industries (but not limited to):
      Waste Management, Media, HR & Recruiting, Blockchain
    3. Have an established company not just the idea
    Here are the key dates you need to put in your calendar.
    Sept. 3rd
    Deadline for applications
    Sept. 5th
    Shortlisted startups announced
    Sept. 10th
    Pitch Day
    Sept. 11th
    winners announced

    Win a knowledge trip to California for 1 month
    and other prizes with a total value of 80,000 Euro

    Pitch prizes

    All selected candidates get Access to BR Club platform, news and resources for 1 year

    All applicants that qualify get 1 general pass to Startup Path event

    1st place - US knowledge trip - Estimated Value to EUR 40,000
    • One month in California in a co-working space
    • Access to tax & legal advice
    • Access to coaching and mentoring with US mentors & coaches
    • Accommodation & Travel expenses covered (Fight tickets)
    • Participation to relevant events, meetups with investors and entrepreneurs
    • Advertising & PR package in Business Review print & online worth Euro 20,000 Rate Card
    • Access to BR Club resources and mentors and BR events for 1 year
    2nd & 3rd place - Media exposure - Estimated Value EUR 20,000
    • Advertising & PR package in Business Review print & online
    • Access to BR Club resources and mentors
    • Free tickets to BR relevant conferences for 1 year
    Jury Members
    Radu Georgescu
    Founding Partner Gecad Ventures
    Sergiu Negut
    Ionut Georgescu
    CEO | FWEI
    Mark Turrell
    CEO | Vork & Orcasci
    Anubhav Jain
    Cofounder | GoDoctor
    Dan Mihaescu
    Apply Here

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      re:FOCUS on Logistics & eCommerce reveals the latest trends and predicts the future ones, while offering solutions to nowadays challenges of logistics & eCommerce.

      Join industry experts, retailers and entrepreneurs along the entire retail sector and its supply chain and learn how to adjust your business in terms of delivery times, small delivery sizes and large production ranges, return systems and instant product availability.

      Everybody shops, the difference is where & how. As the market continues its permanent growth, logistics and eCommerce sectors must evolve at the same pace and embrace new trends in AI and automation.

      Local and foreign players, developers and industry experts come together for a series of panel discussions, keynote speeches, Q&A sessions and case studies from entrepreneurs choosing online or brick-and-mortar businesses, providing know-how and unique opportunities.

      Learn more about automation technologies that can improve operations of your organization and make processes more repeatable and change your ecommerce strategy from being traditional to being data and customer centric.
      Network with professionals in the sector that lead their companies’ ecommerce & logistics strategy, in order to learn valuable insights and form deep lasting business relationships.
      Discover how to be hands on your platform for web commerce, product management and supply chain automation.

      * and many more to be announced shortly

      Pierre Francois
      Senior Partnerships Manager | what3words
      Sinziana Pardhan
      Managing Director | P3 Logistic Parks
      Daniel Paraschiv
      Business Development Manager Transilvania | CTP
      Roxana Sunica
      Marketing, Communication & Corporate Affairs Manager | Fepra International
      Gabriel Tomescu
      CEO | BMF Grup
      Muler Onofrei
      Managing Partner | Element Industrial
      Catalin Cirnaru
      Logistic Manager | Flanco Retail
      Ion Sturza
      President | Fribourg Capital
      Laurentiu Duica
      Director, Board Member, Industrial Division | Colliers International Romania
      Florin Filote
      Marketplace Director | Emag
      Alexander Pavlov
      Managing Director | FM Logistic Romania
      Florin Toma
      e-Commerce Manager | DHL
      Raul Filip
      Director of Acquisitions | Altex Romania
      Bogdan Colceriu
      Co-Founder & CEO | Frisbo
      Daniel Preda
      President | ARILOG & Managing Director at Toyota Material Handling Romania
      Alexandru Niculescu
      Operations Vice-President | eMAG
      Elena Gheorghe
      Business Development | Manager PayU Romania
      Laura Stefan
      Manager, Non Traditional Business | Mastercard Romania
      Radu Herinean
      CTO | Cărtureşti
      Iulian Veghes
      VP of Marketing | Vivre
      Anca Liana Stefan
      Digital & Consumer Intelligence Manager | L'Oréal Romania
      Stefan Baciu
      Country Leader | SAS Romania & the Republic of Moldova
      Paul Nita
      Site Director | ID Logistics, Vice President | Arilog
      Bogdan Gavaneci
      Business Development Manager | CEVA Logistics
      Marian Orzu
      Managing Partner | Dunwell
      Robert Anghel
      Director, Head of Daily Banking | ING Romania
      Julia Leferman
      Registration & Welcome coffee
      Opening panel discussion| Global trends in retail, logistics & eCommerce. Keeping up with the “anytime, anything, anywhere” client

      ● How e-commerce growth shapes new investments in the logistics field
      ● Serving cross-border consumers: partnerships between online stores and logistics players
      ● How can e-commerce players use tech innovation to drive results
      ● Mapping future demand for industrial/logistics space in Romania
      ● Trends to watch for in the global retail industry with impact in Romania

      Moderator | Ovidiu Posirca
      Business Review
      Ion Sturza
      President | Fribourg Capital
      Muler Onofrei
      Managing Partner, Element Industrial
      Laurentiu Duica
      Director, Board Member, Industrial Division | Colliers International Romania
      Florin Toma
      e-Commerce Manager | DHL
      Robert Anghel
      Director, Head of Daily Banking | ING Romania
      Panel discussion | Talking retail: Combining online and physical ecosystems for a truly integrated customer experience

      ● Demand trends for facility management in the Romanian retail industry
      ● How technology bridges the online and physical ecosystems of retailers (automation, IoT, blockchain, in-store technologies)
      ● Gauging trends in the Romanian shopping experience – why and when: online shopping vs. high street shopping
      ● Regional approach on consumer markets – is Romania different?

      Moderator | Ovidiu Posirca
      Business Review
      Gabriel Tomescu
      CEO | BMF Grup
      Raul Filip
      Director of Acquisitions | Altex
      Radu Herinean
      CTO | Carturesti
      Anca Liana Stefan
      Digital & Consumer Intelligence Manager | L'Oréal Romania
      Iulian Veghes
      VP of Marketing | Vivre
      Stefan Baciu
      Country Leader | SAS Romania & the Republic of Moldova
      Coffee break & Networking
      Fireside chat: Marketplaces

      Online marketplaces do not seem to be slowing down and business models are evolving. Marketplaces have to prove their staying power by offering efficiency and unique value to consumers, in order to avoid losing market share.
      Contemporary and future ethics in the marketplace | Emergence of startups around the marketplace | Marketplace apps | AI based services

      Moderator | Ioana Erdei
      Editor-in-Chief | Business Review
      Florin Filote
      Marketplace Director | eMag
      Q&A session | The retail and carrier ecosystem: providing an aligned and consistent delivery service

      ● The development of e-fulfillment services on the local market – meeting the requirements of FMCG and retail players
      ●Trends in tailored logistics solutions for customers
      ●What role does technology integration play?
      ●Features of the local retail and carrier ecosystem

      Moderator | Ioana Erdei
      Editor-in-Chief | Business Review
      Bogdan Colceriu
      Founder | Frisbo
      Bogdan Gavaneci
      Business Development Manager | CEVA Logistics
      Q&A session: Sustainability

      Companies are increasingly preoccupied by finding ways to be more environmentally friendly. The supply chain becomes a key driver in sustainability. Retailing and logistics alike are building long term strategies for getting strong reputations as responsible towards the environment and finding innovative ways to maintain a profitable operating model, while being sustainable and decreasing CO2 emissions.

      Moderator | Ioana Erdei
      Editor-in-Chief | Business Review
      Roxana Sunica
      Manager Marketing, Communication & Corporate Affairs | Fepra International
      Julia Leferman
      General Director | Brewers of Romania Association
      Lunch | Networking
      Q&A session | Streamlining Transactions in the Digital Age: how leading players are using the latest technologies to increase the speed of transactions, drive business in new global retail hotspots and deliver significant ROI.

      ●Using the latest technologies to increase the speed of transactions, drive business in new global retail hotspots, while delivering ROI
      ●Revolutionizing eCommerce strategies from being traditional to being data and customer centric
      ●Mapping the tech disruption in the payments industry – how it influences retailers, consumers and investors

      Moderator | Ioana Erdei
      Editor-in-Chief | Business Review
      Elena Gheorghe
      Business Development Manager | PayU Romania
      Laura Stefan
      Manager, Non Traditional Business | Mastercard Romania
      Keynote speech | Last Meter Delivery: better addresses for a better customer experience
      Pierre Francois
      Senior Partnerships Manager | what3words
      Panel Discussion| Innovation and Technology Management in Logistics

      ●Logistics, delivery and returns challenges retailers need to watch out for when expanding locally and internationally
      ●What do the electric and self-driving technologies mean for the future of delivery and transportation?
      ●How to implement blockchain and IoT in logistics
      ●Last Mile: challenge or opportunity
      ●Risk and Security Management
      ●Strategic choices in logistics: transition from multi-channel to omni-channel
      ●Multiplication of distribution channels and their increasing complexity

      Moderator | Ovidiu Posirca
      Business Review
      Daniel Preda
      Managing Director | Toyota Material Handling Romania, Presedinte | ARILOG
      Paul Nita
      Site Director | ID Logistics, Vice President | ARILOG
      Pierre Francois
      Senior Partnerships Manager | what3words
      Catalin Cirnaru
      Logistic Manager | Flanco Retail
      Panel Discussion | Demand for warehouse space among retail chains and logistic operators

      ●How does the growth of e-commerce influence strategies of retail chains and logistic operators?
      ●How does the expansion of retailers and new brands influence the supply of warehouse projects and their locations?
      ●Factors to consider when letting a warehouse to an e-commerce client
      ●Trends in warehouse management systems (WMS): why ecommerce operators may need to rethink their WMS software | Real-world examples from recent WMS implementations | The need to optimize labor allocation and reduce associate downtime | The responsiveness and flexibility of 2.0 vs. 3.0 systems
      ●Diversification of warehouse facilities for e-commerce operators
      ●Gauging the business impact of digitalization and automation in the warehouses and complex supply chains

      Moderator | Ovidiu Posirca
      Business Review
      Daniel Paraschiv
      Business development Manager Transilvania | CTP
      Sînziana Pardhan
      CEO | P3 Parks
      Alexander Pavlov
      Managing Director | FM Logistic
      Alexandru Niculescu
      Operations Vice-President | eMAG
      Marian Orzu
      Managing Partner | Dunwell


        Early bird
        (August 27 - September 7 2018)

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        Reach power buyers as our attendees are responsible for making commercial decisions for their organizations

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        For these reasons and many more, don’t miss the chance to become our partner by contacting our colleagues Ana Maria Nedelcu or Alexandra Roșca

        Environmental & Sustainability Summit

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        Business Review brings you an event that discusses environmental protection with a focus on waste management through a different approach. For years, all actors involved - national and local authorities, packaging manufacturers, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in the market, lightbulbs or batteries, waste management outsourcers/third-party entities, sanitation companies, recycling companies etc. - have been discussing awareness of the system’s shortcomings in Romania.

        At the “Environmental and Sustainability Summit”, we’re taking a solution-oriented approach, focusing instead on the people and existing implemented projects that offer answers and on partners that have made an impact. Come join us for a discussion featuring concrete examples with star players who are truly dedicated to protecting the environment. Through Keynotes, Case Studies and Presentations, they will share their learnings with a “Can Do” attitude.

        WHY ATTEND
        We carefully select international and local speakers so they provide actionable learning, inspiration and motivation. Our speakers will not talk and walk, they will meet and greet you, will answer your questions and make your day worth it.
        Network with a powerful community of decisionmakers, thought leaders, opinion formers, government officials, strategy experts, leading executives of multinational companies, avantgarde thinkers & doers relevant actors in the field of waste management.
        Discover and share ideas while seamlessly connecting with other attendees at an event with a solution-oriented approach, featuring concrete examples with star players who are truly dedicated to protecting the environment.
        July 4
        Registration & Welcome coffee
        9.00 9.30
        PANEL 1

        Projects and best practices that have been implemented successfully by NGOs and companies.

        9.30 11.00
        Andrei Cosuleanu - Moderator
        Board Member | Let’s do it, Romania!
        Loredana Samoilă
        PR Manager | Kaufland România
        Andrei Orban
        President | ENVIRON ASSOCIATION, Environmental working group coordinator | AHK Romania
        Maria Desmirean
        Marketing Director | Biodeck
        Nicoleta Talpes
        Managing Director | Media Image Factory
        Cristina Hanganu
        Communication and CSR Director | Lidl Romania
        Corina Olteanu
        Group PR Manager | NEPI Rockcastle.
        Coffee break | Networking
        11.00 11.30
        PANEL 2

        Large public entertainment events (ex. Artmania festival, Blaj Alive, Awake) and their impact on the environment.

        11.30 12.45
        Codruta Vulcu - Moderator
        Owner & CEO | ARTmania
        Roxana Ionescu
        Partner, Head of Environment Practice | NNDKP
        Beatrice Gabor
        Co-founder | MAINOI
        Roxana Sunica
        Manager Marketing, Comunicare & Corporate Affairs | FEPRA International
        Laura Coroianu
        Director | AWAKE Festival
        PANEL 3

        Leadership in everything you do, leadership in environmental projects; the power to influence others to support your cause, to join you in your mission for this planet.

        12.45 13.30
        Roxana Șunică - Moderator
        Manager Marketing, Comunicare & Corporate Affairs | FEPRA International
        Hanny Bratu Ciocazanu
        Marketing and Fundraising coordinator | WWF
        Zoli Toth
        Environmental activist
        Ionut Georgescu
        Member of several nonprofit organizations | Green Planet Association, European Environmental Bureau | ISWA & SWANA, Former Waste Director of Romanian Ministry of Environment | ECHA, Former Chief of Staff of the President of CSD 19 | UNEP, Entrepreneur in waste management | Packaging EPR scheme, Collection & PET Recycling company, media | Business Review magazine, digital |
        Andrei Cosuleanu
        Board Member | Let's do it Romania

        Andrei Cosuleanu is Executive Director at Let's Do It, Romania!, a movement which has changed the perception of volunteering in Romania since 2010 and has mobilized over 1,100,000 volunteers. Andrei is considered to be a civil society man being involved as a volunteer since high school, he has made a career in this field.

        Codruta Vulcu
        Owner/CEO | ARTmania

        Codruta Vulcu is the Founder and Festival Director of ARTmania Festival, one of Romania's most established events, promoting mainly rock & metal acts. In 2014 the Blaj aLive Festival was launched with focus on alternative and electronic music. These two medium sized festivals with more than 10,000 attendees per edition are organized in Transylvania, the western historical region of Romania.

        Roxana Ionescu
        Partner, Head of Environment Practice | NNDKP
        Hanny Bratu Ciocazanu
        Marketing and Fundraising coordinator | WWF

        Know how, courage and creativity – marketing explorer are the words which better define Hanny Bratu as marketing and communication professional.
        Hanny is specialized in marketing and communication management and works with visionary organizations in Romania to help them achieve their mission in a sustainable and responsible manner.

        Zoli Toth
        Environmental activist

        The first green matter involving Zoli is supporting the ban on cyanide in mining in Romania alongside the Cyanide-free Romania Coalition in 2007, including Greenpeace Romania. Continue to support the cause of environmental protection with WWF DCP Romania as Ambassador Earth Hour (2009), MaiMultVerde Association, Let's Do It, Romania! and the Recolamp Association.

        Roxana Șunică
        Manager Marketing, Comunicare & Corporate Affairs | FEPRA International

        After 10 years of activity at Recolamp, a responsibility organization responsible for lighting equipment, where the last position held was the Chief Executive Officer, Roxana decided to accept the packaging waste management challenge, and since March 2018 she has the position of
        Marketing, Communication & Corporate Affairs Manager at FEPRA International.

        Loredana Samoilă
        PR Manager | Kaufland România
        Ionut Georgescu
        Entrepreneur in waste management | Packaging EPR scheme, Collection & PET Recycling company, media | Business Review magazine, digital |

        Ionut Georgescu is a waste expert with more than 20 years’ experience in entrepreneurship and 15 years in Waste Management, established in California in 2017. He started his activities in waste management and environmental protection in NGOs, the wish to change the system into a better one for the future, made him accept the job offered by the Romanian Environmental Minitry. His vision and technical knowledge lead him to become one of the most proficient businessman in the environmental field.

        Andrei Orban
        President | Environ Association, Environmental Working Group Coordinator | AHK Romania
        Maria Desmirean
        Marketing Director | Biodeck
        Nicoleta Talpes
        Managing Director | Media Image Factory

        Nicoleta has been leading the 10-year Media Image Factory, an agency specializing in communicating social projects. In 2009 he founded Guerilla Verde, the first environmentally-friendly educational film caravan in Romania, presenting environmental documentary films.Through an Eco-Mentor program developed jointly by the companies, employees give young people a career outlook in Smart City - the city of the future, where knowledge about ecology and green technologies are indispensable. In 2017 he founded the GreenTech Film Festival, a documentary film festival devoted to green technologies, which aims to inform the general public about the opportunities that technology offers - from electric cars, solar panels or energy-efficient houses.

        Cristina Hanganu
        Communication and CSR Director, Lidl Romania

        I am a communicator who strongly believes in building sustainable businesses and in their authentic communication. I started my career more than 20 years ago and gained experience in strategy, media relations, internal communication, employer branding, BTL, CSR, and in trade union relations. I have succeeded in communicating with Connex and Michelin Romania and the Balkans, or for massive media groups such as Media Pro and Intact Media Group. I have completed my experience with two interludes in the agencies. For over a year and a half, I have been Head of Communication & CSR at Lidl Romania and I coordinate corporate communication and PR, social media, internal communication, employeer branding and CSR.

        Corina Olteanu
        Group PR Manager | NEPI Rockcastle.
        Beatrice Gabor
        Co-founder | MAINOI

        Beatrice Gabor, communication practitioner, co-founded MAINOI, a Romanian NGO active in environmental protection, alternative education and cultural promotion to encourage people to manifest their authenticity and empower them to become agents of change for sustainable development. Pioneering green events management in Romania, since 2014, Beatrice manages the sustainability programme at Electric Castle music festival, shortlisted in 2016 and 2017 for the European Green Operations Award, and in 2015 winner of the runner-up position in the EE Music Star Festival at the Energy Efficiency Music Awards in Barcelona. Through the Music Drives Change campaign, Beatrice engages with artists to raise awareness on the powerful role of music in shaping behaviours. World-class artists, among which Trentemøller, Alt-J, Asian Dub Foundation, The Cat Empire, Nightmares on Wax, Dub Pistols, The Subways, have already endorsed calls-to-action for sustainability.

        Laura Coroianu
        Director | AWAKE Festival

        Laura Coroianu began her career in television, where she worked firstly in the capacity of editor and presenter, before turning her talents to producer, a role that saw her managing artists attending the internationally renowned Golden Stag Festival. She spent ten years living and working abroad, where she met her current life and business partner, Belgian-born Guido Janssens, with whom she set-up an events and music consultancy company in the Netherlands. Having implemented several successful collaborations in Romania, Laura and Guido made the decision to relocate to the country, and in 2005, Emagic opened for business in the Romanian capital of Bucharest. For seven years, Emagic organised B'estfest, the biggest music festival in Romania at that time, and then in 2017, they embarked on a brand new challenge bringing a new boutique art and musical experience to Romanian audiences with AWAKE Festival ( AWAKE Festival offers festivalgoers three full days of music, art and nature at the incredible location of Teleki Estate in Gorneşti, Mureş County, august 17-19, 2018.


        Focus on Blockchain

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        Focus on Blockchain is an industry event committed to bring together tech driven companies, entrepreneurs, crypto and blockchain aficionados and investors to explore the wealth of opportunities that blockchain unveils, learn about its use cases and understand how they can apply technology to better the world. Participants and speakers altogether are open to share ideas and forge meaningful relationships. Everyone can reach out to everyone and we make sure that happens with the help of technology and not only. The event recreates a casual and relaxed atmosphere, with lots of engagement aside from the content that makes everyone feel good. People show up as who they really are, they come with their failures and successes, they come with their fears and challenges and go home feeling something had changed and they are part of the change. We hear you and we want everybody to hear you: live feedback is welcome and encouraged, this way speakers become better and we do our jobs better at serving you.

        Thibault Verbiest
        Partner |DS Avocats
        Vidal Chriqui
        Co-founder BTU Protocol | ERC-808 Inventor
        Adam Dorfman
        Founder | IF WHEN THEN
        Vlad Andrei
        Co-Founder, CEO | HighTechBlock
        Piotr Gryko
        R&D software Engineer & Open Source Development
        Dan Dumitrescu
        Chief Innovation Officer | End of Waste Foundation USA
        Czeglédi Tamás
        Co-Funder | Blockchaineum Group LLC
        Lucian Opris
        Senior Associate Office Agency | Colliers International Romania
        Cosmina Simion
        Partner | NNDKP
        Valentin Necoara
        CTO | certSIGN
        Miklos Toth
        Head of A.I. projects | Blockchaineum
        György Balázsi
        Head of Product | Blockchain Competence Center
        Jörg Molt
        Ioan Iacob
        founder and CEO | QUALITANCE
        Cristian Orasanu
        Product & Strategy | Emro Ventures
        Sebastian Cochinescu
        PhD candidate on blockchain studies | University of Bucharest
        Florin Otto
        VP of Product | Modex Tech
        Antonio Eram
        CEO | NETOPIA mobilPay
        Andra Georgescu
        Co-Founder & COO | Hey, Be Well!
        We carefully select international and local speakers so they provide actionable learning, inspiration and motivation. Our speakers will not talk and walk, they will meet and greet you, will answer your questions and make your day worth it.
        Opportunities with the speakers but also with other entrepreneurs, investors and experts.
        This event is your gate to a growing community made for and by entrepreneurs. We’re here for you all the way.
        Networking Tables concept gives startups / ICOs or Blockchain experts the opportunity to pich their ideas , discuss relevant topics and forge partnerships with those who are really interested in what they have to say.
        HOST A TABLE

        Networking tables concept gives startups/ICO or Blockchain experts the opportunity to pitch their ideas,
        discuss relevant topics and forge partnerships with those who are really interested in what they have to say.
        Why? Because our platform promotes you and your topic and other attendees. Choose your table based on that.
        This is matchmaking for business! All pitch sessions include conference tickets and a demo table.


        If you already have a conference pass as an ICO, you’ll be among the first to book a seat alongside
        a potential investor. If you have not booked your conference ticket yet, hurry up and do that first,
        you don’t want to miss all the fun!

        Registration and Doors Open

        MODEX Blockchain Labs
        19A, Baba Novac St, Belvedere Office Building, 12 floor, Bucharest, 3rd Sector

        Welcoming guests
        Modex Blockchain Labs Short Presentations

        The founders of the award winning social payments app Moneymailme created the world’s first app store for blockchain — Modex.
        Soon after that, Modex Blockchain Labs was launched - the first blockchain hub in Romania, a hub where programmers and developers are always welcomed free of charge

        Modex Development Platform & Marketplace
        Vali Malinoiu
        Head of Blockchain | Modex Tech
        Florin Otto
        VP of Product | Modex Tech
        The blockchain impact on the creative industries: an overview of blockchain use cases
        Sebastian Cochinescu
        PhD candidate on blockchain studies | University of Bucharest
        Local / community currencies in the blockchain era
        Dan Dumitrescu
        Chief Innovation Officer | End Of Waste Foundation USA
        How IF WHEN THEN will use the EOS Blockchain to enhance its business model
        Adam Dorfman
        Founder | If When Then
        JULY 19 | IMPACT HUB
        Registration and Doors Open

        Impact Hub
        165, Splaiul Unirii St., Timpuri Noi Square, 2nd building, 1st floor, Bucharest, 030133

        Welcoming guests & morning coffee
        All you need to know about Blockchain

        Many people know it as the technology behind Bitcoin, but blockchain’s potential uses extend far beyond digital currencies.
        So what exactly is blockchain, and why are Wall Street and Silicon Valley so excited about it?

        Opening remarks
        Keynote: The state of the crypto & token & entrerprise blockchain market
        Vidal Chriqui
        Co-Founder BTU PROTOCOL | ERC-808 Inventor
        Practical usecases for crypto currencies
        Piotr Gryko
        R&D software Engineer & Open Source Development
        Where are the applications? Difficulties with blockchain business strategies
        Czeglédi Tamás
        Co-Founder | Blockchaineum Group
        How to sell the blockchain story to non-technical people within companies (big and small) and government?
        György Balázsi
        Head of Product | Blockchain Competence Center
        Applications of AI in the legal industry and legal use for blockchain technologies
        Cosmina Simion
        Panel Discussions
        Blockchain Startups, and ICOs: What You Need to Know

        •Challenges and opportunities when building a blockchain startup
        •Legal and regulatory overview
        •ICO Marketing & PR
        •ICO versus Crowdfunding
        •How do you go to market and scale?

        Moderator: Florin Otto
        VP of Product | Modex Tech
        Ioan Iacob
        Founder and CEO | QUALITANCE
        Andra Georgescu
        Co-Founder & COO | Hey, Be Well!
        Antonio Eram
        CEO | NETOPIA mobilPay
        Coffee Break
        Coffee Break & Networking
        Keynote: Blockchain and cryptofinance regulations

        What are the laws and regulations developing around blockchain technology in Europe?
        Is regulation possible when applied to a decentralized network like a public blockchain

        Thibault Verbiest
        Partner |DS Avocats
        The Future Of (part I)
        The Future of Reservation : How can a peer-to-peer booking protocol impact the Internet economy?
        Vidal Chirqui
        Co-Founder BTU PROTOCOL | ERC-808 Inventor
        The Future of Work: Going Beyond Blockchain
        Adam Dorfman
        Founder | If When Then
        The Future of Real Estate: Improving Trust and Transparency
        Lucian Opris
        Senior Associate Office Agency | Colliers International Romania
        The Future of Finance: Bitcoin-Blockchain-Banks & Governments Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow
        Jörg Molt
        CEO | Satoshi School
        Lunch & Networking
        The Future Of (part II)
        Future of Identity & Blockchain
        Valentin Necoara
        CTO | certSIGN
        The Future of Tech: A.I. and Blockchain
        Miklos Toth
        Head of A.I. Projects | Blockchaineum
        How some industries will look like and the society as a whole
        Cristian Orasanu
        Product & Strategy | Emro Ventures
        Panel Discussions
        Decentralised Business Models

        •How decentralisation is creating new business models
        •What are some of the most successful decentralised business models
        •How do you go to market and scale?
        •Monetizing Strategies

        Dan Dumitrescu
        CIO | End Of Waste Foundation USA
        Florin Otto
        VP of Product | Modex Tech
        Adam Dorfman
        Founder | If When Then
        Vlad Andrei
        Co-Founder, CEO | HightechBlock
        Investing in Tokens
        Token valuation frameworks
        Vlad Andrei
        Co-Founder, CEO | HighTechBlock
        Non Fungible Tokens - The missing link
        Dan Dumitrescu
        Chief Innovation Officer | End Of Waste Foundation USA
        Coffee Break
        Coffee Break & Networking
        Expert Networking Tables
        17:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 18:00
        1st Networking Round Table - Can blockchain be regulated
        Table Host - Thibault Verbiest
        Partner DS Avocats
        17:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 18:00
        2nd Networking Round Table - How does the change of economy, business, banks and govs to blockchain affect people, jobs and earnings ?
        Table Host - Jörg Molt
        CEO | Satoshi School
        17:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 18:00
        3rd Networking Round Table - Safe smart contract languages wanted
        Table Host - György Balázsi
        Head of Product | Blockchain Competence Center
        17:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 18:00
        4th Networking Round Table - Blockchain and consensus technologies for enterprise systems and architecture
        Piotr Gryko
        R&D software Engineer & Open Source Development
        17:00 - 17:30 17:30 - 18:00
        5th Networking Round Table
        Table Host - Miklos Toth
        Head of A.I. Projects | Blockchaineum
        17:00-17:30 17:30-18:00
        6th Networking Round Table
        Dan Dumitrescu
        CIO | End Of Waste Foundation USA

          General Admission Ticket:

          Startup Ticket (30 available)

          If you are a startup, please send us your url, we'll let you know if you qualify

          ICO Networking Roundtable DELUXE 90 minutes

          • 3 rounds of 30 minutes each and 30 different attendees who want to meet you

          • 3 conference tickets

          • Description on sponsor page on website

          • Logo/link on event web page

          • Newsletter announcements

          • Article published on

          ICO Networking Roundtable BASIC 60 minutes

          • 2 rounds of 30 minutes each and 20 different attendees who want to meet you

          • 2 conference tickets

          • Description on sponsor page on website

          • Logo/link on event web page

          • Newsletter announcements

          • Press release published on

          ICO Networking Roundtable DEMO 30 minutes

          • 1 round of 30 minutes and 10 different attendees who want to meet you

          • 1 conference ticket

          • Description on sponsor page on website

          • Logo/link on event web page

          I agree with the Privacy policy of

          I agree with the storage and handling of my data by


          STARTUP PATH

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          Startup PATH is an event dedicated to growth, to learning and to connecting the dots while having unique experiences. It brings together all actors of the startup scene, from universities, accelerators, to investors and thought leaders that would help entrepreneurs on their path to growth.

          Business Review’s vision is to help build, feed and support the growth of a stronger entrepreneur community in Romania and Eastern Europe by becoming a platform that best promotes young entrepreneurs and their interests, fosters collaboration, gives them access to networking and funding opportunities via a well established network and expands their knowledge through relevant and curated content and news.


          Check back soon, we're constantly updating this year's lineup of speakers!

          US Ambassador Hans Klemm
          US Embassy in Romania

          Hans Klemm has been US ambassador to Romania since September 2015. Previously, he served as acting director general of the Department of State; the Senior US Official to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum; coordinator of all U.S. civilian and military rule of law programs in Afghanistan; and as the US ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.

          Gordon Starr
          Founder & CEO | Starr Consulting Group

          As a coach and consultant, Gordon supports visionary leaders in transforming their organizations and in producing breakthroughs in individual, team and organizational performance. He is bringing in additional resources in what they want to accomplish, drawing upon their cadre of outstanding senior consulting colleagues, whose approach is harmonious with his own and whose ability to perform is second to none. He is the founder of Starr Consulting Group, partner of The London Perret Roche Group (consulting firm specializing in organizational transformation) and senior executive of ComputerLand Corporation.

          Anubhav Jain
          Co-Founder | GoDoctor

          At the age of 33, Anubhav “AJ” Jain – a serial entrepreneur who ‘cut his teeth’ in Australia – has achieved an enviable level of success steering companies in a range of markets, including computer hardware, mobile apps, medtech and health products. Jain’s latest venture is GoDoctor, an online network he co-founded with his friends Rahul Shokeen and Nalin Ahuja in April 2015. Headquartered in Singapore, with offices in the UAE, India, and the US, the company is – in Jain’s words – “like LinkedIn and Facebook but exclusively for collaboration and knowledge sharing in the global medical community

          Mark Turrell
          CEO | Vork & Orcasci

          Mark is a strategist, author, and entrepreneur. His work combines collective intelligence with AI, networks, complex systems, behavioral science and neuroscience. He works at the intersection of business, technology and society in areas including innovation, blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Mark is the CEO and founder of Vork, a business social networking app. He also founded Orcasci, a consulting firm designing scaling strategies with recent clients including the Varkey Foundation’s Global Teacher Prize. Previously Mark co-founded Imaginatik plc, a pioneer in crowdsourcing and collaborative problem solving for innovation.

          Kirk A. Sigmon
          Intellectual property lawyer | Banner & Witcoff Ltd.

          Kirk A. Sigmon is an intellectual property lawyer at Banner & Witcoff, Ltd., a leading intellectual property law firm in the United States. Kirk has represented both plaintiffs and defendants in multimillion-dollar patent and trademark infringement lawsuits, has counseled Fortune 500 companies on intellectual property portfolio management and enforcement, and has worked on patent applications involving everything from video games to sensors used on the Mars rover.

          Veronica Brejan
          Executive Coach & Co-Founder | Fly through life

          Veronica Brejan is Executive Coach and Co-Founder at Fly Through Life®, a consulting company based in Paris operating across Europe, specialized in developing transformational leadership programs. Before co-founding Fly Through Life®, Veronica held top HR positions in London, Paris and Eastern Europe: Chief People Officer Europe (Pizza Hut, Yum! Brands), Global Head of Talent (Vodafone) and Senior Manager Talent, Capability & Culture (Vodafone), and internal HR advisor roles in KPMG, Cargill and Alstom. Her areas of expertise are: executive coaching, leadership development, talent management and organizational culture.

          Arnaud Complainville
          Co-founder | Fly through life

          Arnaud Complainville is Research and Strategy Director, and co-founder at Fly Through Life®, a consulting company based in Paris, operating across Europe, specialized in developing transformational leadership programs.He has both a scientific background, with a master from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and a PhD in biology, and a business background, with an MBA from HEC Paris. Before co-founding Fly Through Life®, Arnaud worked as a strategy consultant for the Boston Consulting Group, and held several Senior Executive positions in the pharmaceutical sector, in strategy and Business Development (Cephalon, LFB, Therabel).

          Ahmed Ezzat Fahmy
          Founder & Managing Director | Vanilla Social Media and CORE Training and Consulting

          Ahmed worked for Orange telecom for 5 years in his early experience in the field of customer interface and business planning and transformation. He finished his MBA with excellent grade at 2009, having his own experience in consultation services of multinational organizations. His area of expertise are strategic planning, project management, performance management, ISO standards, and customer experience. Designed a successful management system awarded ISO9001:2008 from TUV Germany. He was judge member at Demo Africa Innovation Tour in conjunction with TIEC Incubation programs and active member of Hive Global Leaders Program.

          Radu Georgescu
          Founding Partner | Gecad Ventures

          Radu Georgescu is Founding Partner at Gecad Ventures. With over 20 years’ experience in creating and building companies, his primary focus is on Software, Internet, eCommerce. Some of the most successful exits that Radu Georgescu was part of include acquisition of Vector Watch by Fitbit in 2016, Avangate by Francisco Partners in 2013, ePayment by Naspers in 2010 and RAV antivirus by Microsoft in 2003. He is also Board Director and Adviser to a number of technology companies.

          Ionut Georgescu
          CEO | FWEI & Partner | Business Review

          Ionut Georgescu is a waste expert with more than 20 years’ experience in entrepreneurship and 15 years in Waste Management, established in California in 2017. He started his activities in waste management and environmental protection in NGOs, the wish to change the system into a better one for the future, made him accept the job offered by the Romanian Environmental Minitry. His vision and technical knowledge lead him to become one of the most proficient businessman in the environmental field.

          Calin Lupsan
          Board Member | AmCham & Co-Founder | EO

          Co-founder of Entrepreneurs' Organization Chapter (EO) in Romania at the beginning of 2016. The Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) - for entrepreneurs only - is a dynamic, global network of more than12,000 business owners in 40 countries. Founded in 1987 by a group of young entrepreneurs, EO is the catalyst that enables entrepreneurs to learn and grow from each other, leading to greater business success and an enriched personal life ( Founder of Intelligence, a Romanian IT company with a 60+ dedicated engineers that designs, builds and delivers best-in-class advanced analytics, business intelligence and digital experiences to help organizations achieve sustainable impact

          Dan Mihăescu
          Founding Partner | GapMinder Venture Partners

          Dan is a highly experienced senior executive with an excellent track record as CEO in IT&C, with multiple M&A missions, various Non-Exec Board and Advisory roles. Dan has been part of the executive board / Leadership Team of Microsoft Romania, after running the DX Team responsible for Start-ups and ISVs. After 12 years as CEO of GTS in Romania, Bulgaria & Moldova, of kpnQwest Romania, and 1 year as M&A and Business Development Director of UPC / LGI, Dan migrated from corporate world to Adviser, Board Director and/or Investor roles, in a number of tech start-ups. Dan is a well-known investor in a number of High Tech Start-ups, having a deep and broad understanding of High Tech and its trends, with extensive experience in Deal origination, M&A transactions, business turnaround and ventures acceleration.

          Sergiu Negut
          Co-Founder | Fintech OS

          Sergiu is a Business Growth Consultant and Associated Dean with Maastricht School of Management in Romania. He coaches and mentors entrepreneurs. Sergiu is an active Business Angel, with participations in a number of high growth local companies (frufru, Softelligence, 2parale, Hart, Intermedicas). Previously, Sergiu has been the Executive Director and Board Member of PE-owned REGINA MARIA in Romania, where he coordinated a growing healthcare business (12x in 6 years) and an expanding team of professionals, including acquisitions of smaller players. Before returning to Romania, Sergiu has worked for Amgen Inc, in Austria and Switzerland, playing an active role in the company’s expansion to CEE countries.

          Claudiu Vrinceanu
          Co-founder | VP Connections

          Claudiu Vrinceanu, co-founder of VP Connections, is a communication and investment consultant with a backround in media and business. He acts as a PR, Public Affairs and investment specialist for Romanian entrepreneurs and foreign companies. Claudiu graduated in Economics at ASE Bucharest and Political Sciences at SNSPA University. He studied a professional EMBA at Maastricht School of Management. As a deputy minister of Ministry of Economy, he managed Invest Romania, the foreign investment promotion agency, part of the Government of Romania, and also he was in charge with SME’s and Tourism programs and public policies. Claudiu Vrinceanu managed, a business magazine focused on entrepreneurship, and organized many business events for entrepreneurs and investors.

          Andreea Raicu
          Founder and CEO |

          Andreea Raicu, founder and CEO of, is a Romanian TV personality with over 20 years of professional experience. Since 2010, she developed her activities as healthy living promoter. Public speaker and author, she performed at various TEDx talks. As certified holistic counselor and mind & body coach, she runs meditation & mindfulness workshops in a corporate environment.

          Oana Craioveanu
          CEO | Impact Hub
          Emanuele Musa
          Co-Founder | Babele

          Emanuele is an expert in the fields of collective intelligence, business modeling and social impact. He has pioneered application of open strategies and collaborative business planning, combining online crowdsourcing tools with tailored design thinking frameworks for the innovation programs of universities, accelerators networks and corporations in 4 continents.

          Zoltan Korosi
          Director | Telenav & Co-founder | Brothersoft
          Ciprian Borodescu
          CEO | APPTICLES

          Co-founder & CEO at - a multi-channel mobile publishing platform that helps digital publishers of all sizes (professional bloggers, newspapers or magazines) to better reach and engage their mobile users.

          Daniel Rosner
          Program Manager | Innovation Labs Romania

          Daniel has a passion for electronics and a PhD in IoT and WSN for health-care. He is Lecturer in the Computer Science Department, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, specialized on hardware design and wearable devices, and the coordinator of CISL Applied Electronics and Hardware design Laboratory. Daniel is also one of the first wizards of Innovation Labs and current program manager for the largest pre-accelerator program in Romania. In 2015 Daniel was part of Forbes' 30under30, while in 2016 Daniel mentored team ENTy - the winner of the Microsoft Imagine Cup Seattle '16 international competition.

          Vlad Zamfir
          Founder | FySnow AirsoftCS Arena
          Voicu Oprean
          Founder | AROBS

          Entrepreneur focused on building software solution in travel, automotive, GPS, Navigation and Mobile with extensive experience in outsourcing for automotive, travel and hospitality industry.

          Dorina Codarin
          Owner | DISOFA
          Nicolae Ontiu
          Founder | One IT
          Oana Bogdan
          Co-founder | Bogdan & Van Broeck

          As co-founder of BOGDAN & VAN BROECK, Oana Bogdan has been questioning the traditional role of the architect, advocating new ways of looking at how to organise the spatial presence of mankind. Next to that, she is member of the Unesco Experts Committee for the City of Bruges and a regular jury member for awards and architecture competitions. Oana has been guest tutor at various architecture programs at the University of Leuven, member of the Advisory Committee for Architecture and Design of the Flemish Government and of the Royal Committee for Monuments and Landscapes of the Flemish Region. She won Europan 7 in 2004 and the Bucharest Architecture Bienale in 2010, and has been twice nominated for the Mies Van der Rohe Award.

          Diana Popp
          Co-founder & Vice President | Smart Everything Everywhere (SEE)

          Diana Popp is a Co-founder & Vice President of Smart Everything Everywhere (SEE); she was a Counselor – Chancellery of the Prime-Minister of Romania. She worked with EU Commission’s Directorate General Communication Networks, Content and Technology in Brussels on innovation hubs and technology’s impact on democracy. She also worked with Junior Achievement Romania where she was in charge with the entrepreneurship learning by doing programs and publications.

          Oana Korda
          Co-Founder Woogie/Startup Founder

          She’s young and courageous and she’s building a career in product management. after 3 years in a corporate environment she decided that entrepreneurship fits her better. she start making ideas happen, tackling the social area and evolving towards the edgy tech startup scene. An educational AI conversational robot called Woogie is the most recent project, the one that moved her life almost 1 year to London to attend an international IoT accelerator. she came back with a failed crowdfunding campaign, yet no regrets and tons of learning.

          Paula Rusu
          Event host, Blogger & jurnalist |

          Paula Rusu has dedicated her life to activism and to raising public awareness about how the Romanian medical system must better address the issue of tuberculosis, or TB. Paula previously had a successful journalism career, including as a TV anchor and producer.

          Mircea Popa
          Content creator, Entertainer @MirceaBravo
          Vlogger & Online Entertainer, Former Member & Co-Founder | LikeOne
          Mihaela Sava
          Food Blogger @

          Food blogger, semi-finalist of Bake off Romania, creator and owner of
          Over the past 3 years has been in the top 30 most influential food blogs in Romania

          Cosmin Tudoran
          Content Creator @ProfuDeVin și Tudoran la Maga&Tudoran
          Edy Chereji
          Head of Marketing & Communications | Untold & Neversea

          Edy Chereji is one of the people who created and nurtured UNTOLD, the best European festival but also the newest festival organized by the Black Sea, NEVERSEA. Edy is Head of Marketing & Communications and leads the mark-comm division of both festivals, a young and creative team, where the average age is 30 years old! How did he managed to run some of the best festivals in Europe? After 6 years of being marketing manager and part of the management team of some of the most important projects of IuliusGroup in Romania, he wanted to become an entrepreneur and started, in 2013, THE PLAN COMMUNICATIONS, a company specialized in retail marketing, communication and events.

          Alex Dona
          Managing Partner |

          Alex Dona has been the managing partner of satire website Times New Roman since 2012. He has worked for many years in sales, for companies such as Audionova, and then in the media field at The Money Channel, Telesport and Sanoma Hearst. He also hosted a radio show at Rock FM.

          Razvan Crisan
          Co-Founder & CEO | M60 Group

          Razvan Crisan is co-founder and CEO of M60 Group comprising M60 Face, Kane and M60 Space. The group was founded in 2014. For more than 12 years, he has been involved in entrepreneurship projects.

          Andrei Botescu
          Co-Founder | Pegas Workshops

          Andrei Botescu is the man behind the revival of the iconic Pegas bicycle, many a Romanian’s favorite childhood buddy. Relaunched in 2012, under his supervision, in 2017 the company managed to get a complete portfolio for each and every category of bike, from urban to e-bikes. Moreover, it launched Romania’s first electric bikes, as well as several brands for other outdoor products such as vintage skates, electric transportation – electric scooter and electric longboard, and kendamas. Last year Pegas launched three new mono-stores in Bucharest, Timisoara and Ramnicu Valcea.

          Ramona Predescu (Iacob)
          Country Manager | IWG

          Ramona Predescu (Iacob) manages IWG operations in Romania, the group who owns flexible workspace concepts Regus and SPACES and the creator of the 'workspace revolution' concept. Prior to her current position, Ramona developed a extensive experience with IWG in Romania, as out of her 10 years’ experience with Regus, she has spent the last 5 as Country Manager of the company. Currently, Ramona manages the implementation of SPACES, the Amsterdam-born creative workspace pioneer, which is opening its first two locations in Bucharest at Unirii View Tower with 3000 m2 (1st, 2nd and 3rd floor) on Corneliu Coposu Bd. 6-8; and Campus 6, with 3100 m2 (1st and 2nd floor) on Iuliu Maniu 6 Bd.

          Tamina Lolev
          Managing Partner | NOD MarkerSpace, Partner architect | Wolfhouse Productions

          Tamina is a young architect and partner at Wolfhouse Productions design studio. During her architectural studies, she had international learning and professional experiences in Belgium and Shanghai. In 2012, she was a member of Calup project, a series of cultural events aiming at temporary reconversion of unused buildings of Bucharest. In 2015, Tamina co-founded Nod makerspace. While in 2016, she co-founded Grassrouts/La firul ierbii, a public debate center

          Dorina Surugiu
          Managing Director | Maastricht School of Management Romania
          Corina Angelescu
          Learning Designer | The Alternative University

          Corina Angelescu is a Learning Designer at The Alternative University in Bucharest, a community for young people who are eager to take the responsibility of their own learning journeys. In contrast with the classical approach to education, they are building a university run by students, where they are replacing standardisation, control and competition with self directed learning, collaboration and hands on challenges. While The Alternative University reflects her passion for quality education and learning, Corina is also coordinating Social Impact Award in Romania, an international competition for young people who want to address the most pressing social issues through social entrepreneurship.

          Flavia Scînteanu
          Interior Designer, Co-Founder | Dare to Rug

          Flavia has studied at the Scuola Politecnica di Design in Milan and has returned to Romania, keen on promoting local design at an international level. After working for several years as an Interior Designer in Milan and Bucharest, she has decided to embark on an entrepreneurial journey and partnered with her best friend and interior designer Andreea Batros to launch the Dare to Rug brand in 2015.
          Dare to Rug is the first Romanian design brand that creates hand-tufted rugs, mixing craft and design inspired by traditional patterns. Dare to Rug has positioned itself as a creative brand that has the courage to engage in bold projects that fit its artistic core.

          Oana Molodoi
          Partner Business Review

          Oana is a Partner at Business Review, the leading english news platform in Romania. Oana is an optimist by definition, an enthusiastic professional and an entrepreneur at heart. For the past decade, Oana held senior roles in the publishing, advertising and event management industries. Recently Oana has been active in the blockchain industry and decentralisation movement, putting together blockchain conferences all over the world.

          Roxana Dantes
          Tech entrepreneur & Innovation Consultant | The Lofty Lab

          International tech entrepreneur, Stanford University alumna, and Forbes “30 under 30” innovator to watch, I specialise in new business creation, and product and service innovation. My background is in applied mathematics, and I recently founded a consulting company. Previously worked in EdTech/Future of Work, founded a technology start-up accelerator, and consulted and advised early stage start-ups and corporations in 10+ industries.

          George Georgescu
          Co-Founder and CEO | Connected Medical Devices

          George Georgescu is the co-founder and CEO the Romanian e-health start-up Connected Medical Devices trough which he is bringing to the market The Human Link solution, aimed to better the lives of Alzheimer’s disease patients and their families. He has lead the company from the ideea, trough MVP, to product and sales by creating the team, signing partnerships and securing investments.He has a large experience in engineering, sales and management in both Romanian companies and large corporations. At the beginning of this year, George won the Changeneers Challange.

          Ioana Erdei
          Chief Editor | Business Review
          Gabriel Dombri
          CEO in Tapptitude and Marketing Associate | Spherik Accelerator

          Gabriel is the CEO in Tapptitude and Marketing Associate in Spherik Accelerator. With over 10 years of digital experience, Gabriel has been at the intersection between marketing and product, for the last 5 years with a steady focus to help startup founders build better products and build sustainable businesses around them. Currently, Gabriel is the CEO of Tapptitude, a product agency focused on building mobile products.

          Radu Constantinescu
          Co-Founder | QUALITANCE.

          Radu truly believes in the power of technology to change the world. He founded QUALITANCE in 2007 with Ioan Iacob and has been coordinating the company’s operations ever since. At the same time, he has been involved in mentoring the new generations of experts as a professor at Cybernetics/Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.

          Marius Ghenea
          Partner | 3TS Capital

          Partner, 3TS Capital is a serial entrepreneur and business-angel with successful investments in Romania and other CEE countries. Currently handling a portfolio of 10 companies for the Romanian VC fund of 3TS Capital, Catalyst Romania Fund. Co-Founder VentureConnect and SchoolforStartups Romania, president of the Romanian Association of Online Stores. Author of “Entrepreneurship”, first Romanian entrepreneurship book, one of the Romanian Dragons from the TV show Dragons’ Den. Organizer of the Intensive Entrepreneurship Course and co-organizer of the BusinessDrive mini-MBA program, professor of Entrepreneurship .“Investor of the Year Romania” 2016 and 2017 award by Central European Startup Awards

          Eduard Jerca
          Milk Sourcing Manager | Danone

          Eduard has joined Danone Romania since 2013 as a Milk Sourcing Manager after a 2 years experience in Vietnam as Country Manager for a Fresh Food Danish Company. He is leading the Milk Sourcing Department in Romania and one of the unique entrepreneurial dairy projects in Europe - Chance for All.

          Adina Cretu
          Project Manager | Startarium
          Vlad Craioveanu
          Co-Founder & CEO | Impact Hub

          Entrepreneur and mentor, Vlad successfully introduced the co-working concept in Romania in 2012, as co-founder and CEO of Impact Hub Bucharest. Having a strong background in marketing and business development, Vlad is passionate in supporting other entrepreneurs and start-ups in structuring their business model and development strategy. He is currently involved in starting a new company, 3house, aiming in creating a new human-centric business model for co-working and shared office spaces.

          George Berar
          CEO | Benevolent Generation

          George Berar is an entrepreneur with a passion for successfully building a wide array of companies from start-up to exit. Beginning in Eastern Europe as a business owner with dreams of success in Romania, to his founding of a US-based international angel investment organization Benevolent Generation with offices in Santa Barbara, Las Vegas, Dublin, Bucharest, and Hyderabad India. George embodies a perspective that is at the core of his company’s success: a deep belief in the unstoppable power of a good idea when paired with the right team and resources.

          Ovidiu Posirca
          Journalist Business Review
          Reasons to attend
          We carefully select international and local speakers so they provide actionable learning, inspiration and motivation
          We make it easy for you to connect, set meetings and share ideas around a networking table with the speakers but also with other entrepreneurs, investors and experts
          Sign up for our Pitch competition or our Hackathon and get in front of investors to win the race.
          From healthy meals and snacks to mindfulness and breathing exercises, to games and relaxation zone we’ll make your experience seamless
          Day 1 - September 10th

          Day one sets the stage for a lot of interaction and introspection. First part is about finding and aligning with your purpose, about the power of communities of like minded people. Second part of the day is all about money, from raising capital, to going global, scaling and exiting. We’re finishing the day strong with a Pitch competition and amazing prizes.

          The 1st Day of the Conference will be presented by Paula Rusu / Journalist & Blogger

          Paula Rusu has dedicated her life to activism and to raising public awareness about how the Romanian medical system must better address the issue of tuberculosis, or TB. Paula previously had a successful journalism career, including as a TV anchor and producer.

          Registration & Welcome Coffee
          Mindful moments
          Veronica Brejan
          Executive Coach & Co-Founder | Fly Through Life
          Arnaud Complainville
          Co-Founder | Fly Through Life
          Welcome speech by the organizers
          Opening Remarks
          Hans Klemm
          US Ambassador | US Embassy In Romania
          Track 1: The Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

          It's essential to build a start-up community: a critical mass of entrepreneurial leaders who embrace creating something new, a long-term vision to make that community a place where dreams can become reality, a philosophy that welcomes everyone who wants to engage, at any level, around that purpose and, finally, a commitment to have lots of activities and events that engage people in the actual act of entrepreneurship. We’ll explore what it takes to build such an ecosystem, what are the roles the stakeholders have to assume, what are the benefits as well as look at some of the successful models around the world.

          Keynote Speech | Building Communities with Aligned Purpose
          Ionut Georgescu
          CEO | FWEI & Partner | Business Review
          Panel discussion | Fostering entrepreneurship community growth

          •Entrepreneurship community models around the world
          •Roles of stakeholders: from leaders to feeders
          •Long term initiatives for impact
          •How can Incubators/ accelerators / co working spaces help build the ecosystem

          Oana Craioveanu
          CEO | Impact Hub
          Ramona Predescu
          Country Manager | IWG
          Calin Lupsan
          Board member AmCham & Co-Founder EO
          Emanuele Musa
          Co-Founder | Babele & NOD MakerSpace
          Daniel Rosner
          Program Manager | Innovation Labs Romania & UPB Lecturer
          Moderator | Ionut Georgescu
          CEO | FWEI & Partner | Business Review
          Short Coffee Break
          Track 2: Money makes the world go round

          The stages. The Types of investment vehicles. What’s required. The communication strategy. The One Pager & Deck. The Pitch

          Open Discussion with Radu Georgescu
          Radu Georgescu
          Founding Partner | Gecad Ventures
          Panel Discussion | #MakeItHappen

          Business Review brings #Make it Happen campaign to life, an initiative to uncover some of the most successful entrepreneurial ventures, some of the newest ideas and how they were brought to life by talented entrepreneurs in Romania. In this panel discussions you will get to know more about these businesses, how they started what their challenges were, how they treated success or failure.

          Voicu Oprean
          Founder | AROBS
          Dorina Codarin
          Owner | Disofa
          Nicolae Ontiu
          Fondator | One IT
          Vlad Zamfir
          Founder | FySnow AirsoftCS Arena
          Moderator - Ovidiu Posirca
          Journalist | Business Review
          Inspiration Alert: How I did it
          Radu Constantinescu
          Co-Founder Qualitance
          Keynote Speaker | Anubhav Jain - Co-Founder | GoDoctor - All about raising funds. Learn from a serial entrepreneur who made it global

          At the age of 33, Anubhav “AJ” Jain – a serial entrepreneur who ‘cut his teeth’ in Australia – has achieved an enviable level of success steering companies in a range of markets, including computer hardware, mobile apps, medtech and health products.

          Anubhav Jain
          Co-Founder | GoDoctor
          Networking Lunch
          Panel discussion | Investors advice on raising capital

          •Best practices brought to you by VCs, Angel Investors, Investment Fund Managers
          •What’s new to know
          •How do you prepare a round
          •New Investment Funds on the horizon. What do they offer and what do they expect from startups?

          Sergiu Negut
          VC, Co Founder | Fintech OS
          Dan Mihaescu
          Founding Partner | GapMinder
          Anubhav Jain
          Co Founder | GoDoctor
          Marius Ghenea
          Investment Director | 3TS Capital Partners
          Gabriel Dombri
          Marketing Associate, Spherik Accelerator
          Moderator - Oana Molodoi
          Partner | Business Review
          Panel Discussion | Millionaire Millennials: How The Internet Created A New Wave Of Entrepreneurs

          A new entrepreneurship wave is sweeping the world, redefining every industry, and young people are the ones who enable it. YouTube and social media stars started out by filming videos as a hobby and quickly created lucrative business portfolios. Many social media stars are using multiple income streams to build not just their audience but also their fortunes. FInd the key to success from some of the most followed and admired such newpreneurs.
          • Diversification As The Key To Success
          • Make millions without leaving your house

          Vlogger & Online Entertainer, Former Member & Co-Founder | LikeOne
          Mihaela Sava
          Food Blogger
          Mircea Popa
          Content creator, Entertainer @MirceaBravo
          Cosmin Tudoran
          Content Creator @ProfuDeVin & Tudoran @ Maga&Tudoran
          Moderator - Ioana Erdei
          Chief Editor | Business Review
          Group Excercise
          Networking Break
          Track 3: Go to market, scale and exit strategies

          Scaling up business resources for startups includes executive education, coaching, inspirational and engaging events, supporting software and dynamic online learning
          Not all start-ups make it big, but the ones that do greatly impact society by means of new technology, services and increased employment do.

          Keynote speaker | Mark Turrell - Scaling your business

          Mark is a strategist, author, and entrepreneur. His work combines collective intelligence with AI, networks, complex systems, behavioral science and neuroscience. He works at the intersection of business, technology and society in areas including innovation, blockchain and cryptocurrencies. He is author of Scaling: Small Smart Moves for Outsized Results

          Mark Turrell
          CEO & Co-Founder | Magic
          How to make a good Exit
          Sergiu Negut
          VC, Co Founder | Fintech OS
          Fireside Chat
          George Berar
          CEO Benevolent Generation
          Paula Rusu
          Journalist & Blogger
          Panel Discussion | Bringing it home: Myth-busting panel session featuring local entrepreneurs
          George Georgescu
          Founder | Human Link
          Flavia Scînteanu
          Co-Founder | Dare to Rug
          Vlad Craioveanu
          Co-Founder & CO | Impact Hub
          Moderator - Adina Cretu
          Project Manager | Startarium
          Pitch Competition
          Pitch Competition

          10 Startups will pitch on stage for 3 minutes each, in front of a jury. Winners will be announced next day

          Jury Member - Radu Georgescu
          Founding Partner Gecad Ventures
          Jury Member - Dan Mihaescu
          Founding Partner Gapminder
          Jury Member - Ionut Georgescu
          CEO | FWEI & Partner | Business Review
          Jury Member - Sergiu Negut
          Co Founder Fintech OS
          Jury Member - Mark Turrell
          CEO Vork & Orasci
          Jury Member - Anubhav Jain
          Co-Founder GoDoctor
          Day 2 - September 11th

          Day two will be a smooth transition to topics that highlights what you need to be a great leader, women leadership models in different entrepreneurship ecosystems and growth hacking strategies. The second part of the day will focus on topics like trend setting entrepreneurs who built a community around their businesses and it will end with a series of network tables and interactive workshops.

          The 2nd Day of the Conference will be presented by Alex Dona, Managing Partner at

          Alex Dona has been the managing partner of satire website Times New Roman since 2012. He has worked for many years in sales, for companies such as Audionova, and then in the media field at The Money Channel, Telesport and Sanoma Hearst. He also hosted a radio show at Rock FM.

          Registration and Welcome Coffee
          Day 1 in Review & Mindful Moments
          Veronica Brejan
          Executive coach & Co-Founder | Fly Through Life
          Arnaud Complainville
          Co-Founder | Fly Through Life
          Track 1: Lead strong

          Beyond hard work, great ideas, talent and timing, there are certain intangibles that go along with business success. Among the many qualities that are necessary to meet the challenges which come with building a company, there are three which every entrepreneur must possess: fear, courage and endurance.

          Keynote speaker | Gordon Starr | Starr Consulting Group: What’s the true source of high performance? You’ll be surprised by the answer!

          As a coach and consultant, Gordon supports visionary leaders in transforming their organizations and in producing breakthroughs in individual, team and organizational performance.

          Gordon Starr
          Founder & CEO | Star Consulting Group
          Fly through Life: Neuro Mindfulness - Journey into the Brain
          Veronica Brejan
          Executive coach & Co-Founder | Fly Through Life
          Arnaud Complainville
          Co-Founder | Fly Through Life
          Fail to Succeed
          Ciprian Borodescu
          CEO | Appticles
          Social Leadership
          Zoltan R. Korosi
          Director | Telenav & Co-founder | Brothersoft
          Short Coffee Break & Networking
          Track 2: Women Power

          Vision, mission, and hard work—these are the basic qualities of any successful entrepreneur, whether male or female. However, while entrepreneurship may seem like a gender-neutral endeavor at first blush, women are still notoriously underrepresented in the career path. Times are changing! Today, women are wielding more and more power on both sides of the business transaction.

          Panel Discussion | Women Leadership models in different entrepreneurship ecosystems

          •Switching paths: how building a solid education and refining mixed professional skills offers the freedom and flexibility to switch carriers and industries, build things from scratch and make the leap of faith into the startup life
          •The architecture of a business and the ”business model” of country project
          •Redefining success and learning paths: what it takes to build a startup in different entrepreneurial ecosystems
          •Working spaces vs. ecosystems, creativity and the icon of garage startups
          •The impact of participatory placemaking and bottom-up urban regeneration projects in cities

          Andreea Raicu
          Founder, CEO | Andreea Raicu Intl
          Oana Bogdan
          BXL/ RO Arhitect/Antreprenor/ Fondator RO+
          Oana Korda
          Co-Founder Woogie/Startup Founder
          Tamina Lolev
          Managing Partner | Nod Makerspace, Partner architect | Wolfhouse Productions.
          Dora Surugiu
          Founding Partner | Maastricht School of Management Romania
          Moderator | Diana Popp
          Co-founder & VIce President | Smart Everything Everywhere
          Fireside Chat
          Roxana Dantes
          Tech Entrepreneur & Innovation Consultant | The Lofty Lab
          Oana Molodoi
          Partner Business Review
          From a Business Model to a Movement
          Corina Angelescu
          Learning Designer | The Alternative University
          Track 3: Growth Hacking Strategies

          Growth hacking has become such a highly-demanded discipline for startups. Is all about driving as much growth as you can, with spending as little money as possible. A good growth hackers are driven by the challenge is disciplined in prioritizing and testing marketing ideas, and religiously analyzing such results to see which tactics worked the best and should be scaled out further, to continually improve until finding that "Aha Moment" that will lead to rapid, viral and affordable customer growth

          Customer Centricity - from quality to customer experience
          Ahmed Ezzat Fahmy
          Founder | Vanilla Social Media
          Tips and tricks for startups in protecting their copyrights, patents, and trademarks
          Kirk Sigmon
          Patent Attorney and Intellectual Property Litigator | Banner & Witcoff Ltd.
          Networking Lunch
          Track 4: New business models for a new global landscape

          Local and international success stories will cover this very important segment through panel discussions and presentations.

          Panel discussion | Tapping into the niche: Trend setting entrepreneurs who built a community around their businesses

          Local entrepreneurs managed to take the pulse and set the tone in their communities by putting a twist on conventional business models. They managed to create strong brands and identities that bring people together around common values.
          •How hipster values can be successfully harnessed
          •Creating genuine communities through conventional businesses

          Alex Dona
          Managing Partner |
          Andrei Botescu
          Co-Founder | Pegas Workshops
          Edy Chereji
          Head of Marketing & Communications | UNTOLD & NEVERSEA
          Razvan Crisan
          CEO M60 | Group
          Moderator - Ioana Erdei
          Chief Editor | Business Review
          Romanian Companies Born Global. Factors that influence internationalization
          Claudiu Vrinceanu
          Co-Founder | VP Connections
          Social Impact businesses
          Emanuelle Musa
          Co-Founder | Babele
          Social Impact Case Study
          Eduard Jurca
          Milk Sourcing Manager | Danone
          Coffee Break
          Pitch Competition Winner Announcement
          Workshops & Network Tables
          Neuromindfulness - The Benefits of Mindfulness for Entrepreneurs

          •The power of intuition: why our subconscious mind is often right?
          •Brain basics: neuroplasticity, brain waves, brain parts and brain polarity
          •Emotions regulations: amygdala vs prefrontal cortex, meta-awareness, negativity bias and Losada ratio
          •Mindfulness from the cushion to real life: meditation and mindfulness during activity

          Coffee Break
          Network Table Round 1
          Gordon Starr
          Anubhav Jain
          Veronica & Arnaud
          Mark Turrell
          Ahmed Ezzat Fahmy
          Network Table Round 2
          Gordon Starr
          Anubhav Jain
          Veronica & Arnaud
          Mark Turrell
          Ahmed Ezzat Fahmy
          Pitch competition
          Showcase your Startup
          1. Pitch to multiple investors
          2. Get valuable media exposure
          3. Receive expert feedback
          4. Get access to a network of entrepreneurs, mentors and investors
          5. Win a knowledge trip to California, USA for 1 month
          Judging Criteria
          1. Business model and scalability.
          2. Team: skills, experience and leadership
          3. Financial sustainability
          4. Open to scale globally
          1. The business solves a real problem
          2. Focus industries (but not limited to):
            Waste Management, Media, HR & Recruiting, Blockchain
          3. Have an established company not just the idea
          Network Tables
          HOST A TABLE

          The Networking Tables concept is meant to help attendees meet the right people and make networking more efficient.
          Meet top notch speakers, mentors, leaders, entrepreneurs or investors and engage in the conversation.

          Being Captain of a table gives you the opportunity to meet 18 people that have chosen to join your table.

          Why host a table? Because this is a huge added value and lead generation concept. If you are a key player, an investor, a successful entrepreneur or an expert in your industry and know how to steer a discussion, this is the right place to be!

          Table captains
          Gordon Starr
          Founder & CEO | Starr Consulting Group
          Mark Turrell
          CEO | Vork & Orcasci
          Anubhav Jain
          Co-Founder | Go-Doctor
          Veronica Brejan
          Executive Coach & Co-Founder | Fly Through Life
          Arnaud Complainville
          Co-Founder | Fly Through Life
          Ahmed Ezzat Fahmy
          Founder & Managing Director | Vanila Social Media
          Event Partners
          Event Sponsors
          Media Partner
          Healthy Lifestyle Partners
          Digital Media Partner
          With the support of
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