Reason Why CISOs Should Consider NDR

Horia Tomescu 28/06/2024 | 12:47

The role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is essential in the C-suite landscape. This is because he is entrusted with the massive task of safeguarding an organization’s network security.

The CISO must possess not only advanced technical skills but also the ability to influence and educate others on the importance of cybersecurity measures.

Despite widespread acknowledgment of cyberattacks and their potential to inflict severe financial damage, many outside the IT industry tend to downplay the risks.

This places the CISO in a unique position, which requires them to convey the urgency of the threats effectively.

Given this challenging environment, CISOs face colossal pressure to assemble the right team, select the best tools, and implement efficient workflows—all while following a strict company budget.

Understanding Network Detection and Response (NDR)

Users might be curious to know what is network detection and response. Network Detection and Response (NDR) is a cybersecurity strategy focused on real-time network monitoring and threat detection.

Unlike traditional security solutions that concentrate on endpoints, NDR scrutinizes network traffic to identify suspicious behaviors and potential threats, providing a comprehensive view of the network’s security status.

Reasons For NDR

Pervasive Network Visibility

A company’s network is an invaluable asset, and any compromise can severely disrupt daily operations, leading to data breaches, financial losses, and damaged reputations.

However, many Security Operations (SecOps) teams struggle with limited network visibility or face overwhelming manual analysis tasks to piece together network activity.

Implementing an NDR solution, especially one leveraging network flow data, offers a panoramic view of IT and network environments.

This enhanced visibility allows security teams to detect unusual traffic that might elude other security measures, investigate incidents, and respond swiftly to threats before they escalate.

By analyzing data from existing network infrastructure, NDR solutions maximize the value of current investments, eliminating the need for additional sensors or agents and providing an easily deployable monitoring platform.

Intelligent Threat Detection

Detecting unauthorized access to the network—whether from malware, insider threats, or other compromises—is crucial.

NDR solutions employ machine learning to correlate data across network security and monitoring tools, creating a baseline of normal network behavior from comprehensive data ingestion. Any deviation from this established pattern triggers alerts for security teams, enabling rapid identification of anomalies.

Advanced NDR solutions can detect a wide range of threats, including lateral movement, command and control communications, data exfiltration, and more.

Some even support a zero-trust model and offer cloud visibility, along with device classification, profiling, and risk scoring.

This breadth of capabilities allows NDR solutions to cover some aspects traditionally managed by Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tools.

Enhanced Productivity with Incident Response

NDR solutions align network activity analysis with frameworks like MITRE ATT&CK® to support threat investigation and response. Long-term data storage facilitates historical forensics, aiding in root-cause analysis.

By integrating with existing security and workflow tools, NDR solutions further enhance an organization’s security posture and shorten the mean time to remediation (MTTR).

The comprehensive network visibility provided by NDR solutions helps teams understand standard traffic patterns, while intelligent threat detection reduces false positives and prioritizes critical incidents.

This synergy boosts analyst productivity and reduces dwell time, ensuring threats are managed effectively and efficiently.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

For organizations in highly regulated industries, compliance with mandates like GDPR and HIPAA is non-negotiable. NDR solutions assist in meeting these requirements by offering robust network visibility and monitoring capabilities.

For instance, NDR’s ability to continuously monitor and analyze network traffic ensures that any potential breach compromising sensitive information is detected and addressed promptly, maintaining regulatory compliance.

Cost-Effectiveness and ROI

When investing in cybersecurity solutions, organizations must consider cost-effectiveness and return on investment (ROI).

NDR solutions, by proactively identifying and mitigating cyber threats, can prevent the substantial financial repercussions of successful attacks.

The cost of a data breach often far exceeds the investment in NDR solutions, demonstrating significant ROI through reduced financial losses and protection of the organization’s reputation.

Future-Proofing Security Measures

With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, it is necessary to stay ahead of potential risks. NDR provides an active approach to anticipating and countering new threats.

By focusing on network-wide visibility and advanced detection techniques, NDR equips organizations to handle the evolving cyber threat landscape effectively.

Adopting NDR as part of a network security strategy ensures a future-proof approach, enabling organizations to adapt to and mitigate new threats as they arise.

Factors To Consider When Selecting an NDR Solution For an Organization

To select the right NDR solution, it is vital to understand the unique needs of your organization.

In an interview, CISO Mike Hamilton discussed three key factors to consider:

Managed NDR Solutions

These combine technology, detection analytics, and expert analysts to investigate and respond to threats according to predefined playbooks offered as a service.

Operated NDR Solutions

Organizations maintain ownership of the technology, staff to operate it, and processes for response, recovery, and recordkeeping. This model can be challenging to sustain, but it offers control over security operations.

Automated NDR Solutions

Using SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response) and other methodologies, these solutions integrate preventive and detective controls to automate response actions, minimizing human intervention.

Real Impact and Brand Integration

Implementing NDR solutions is a transformative change for organizations. This is because it helps to enhance security posture and operational efficiency.

For instance, a global financial institution like Standard Chartered can decide to integrate NDR with its existing infrastructure to manage and identify threats in real-time.

This will help them prevent potential data breaches and save millions in losses. NDR solutions like Stellar Cyber can play an important role here, providing comprehensive network visibility and intelligent threat detection.


For CISOs, considering NDR solutions is not just about adding another tool to the cybersecurity existing security infrastructure.

It is about seeking a comprehensive approach to network security that offers real-time visibility, intelligent threat detection, and enhanced incident response capabilities.

NDR solutions like those from Stellar Cyber play a crucial role in addressing compliance needs, providing significant ROI, and preparing organizations for future threats. All these do ensure an organizational security strategy is implemented. 

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Horia Tomescu | 28/06/2024 | 12:25
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