Green Planet Association initiates EcoWave project, placing automatic recycling centers along the Romanian coast

Miruna Macsim 27/06/2024 | 11:55

Green Planet Association announces the launch of the EcoWave project: The Recycling Revolution on the Beach!, an education project for the separate collection of packaging waste through the Deposit-Return System (DRS), with the installation of automatic collection equipment on the coast, the first already installed on Zanzibar Beach.


This ambitious project aims to promote the importance of separate collection for environmental protection and support small merchants in implementing the collection of packaging from the Deposit-Return System, helping both the local community and tourists with an effective solution for reducing pollution and promoting a cleaner and more sustainable environment in coastal areas.

Zanzibar Beach thus becomes a model of sustainability, offering its visitors a convenient and effective way to recycle DRS packaging. By installing this automatic collection equipment, the Green Planet Association aims to encourage responsible behavior and facilitate the active involvement of coastal tourists in protecting the environment.

“We are extremely excited to launch this project on Zanzibar Beach. This initiative not only promotes the separate collection of waste but also educates the public about the importance of protecting the environment. The Deposit-Return System (DRS) is still in its first year of operation in Romania, and we believe it is essential to support both small merchants, who have a legal obligation to implement the collection of DRS packaging, and people, including during their vacations, to help them recycle in a simple and efficient way,” said Mihaela Papazu, Executive Director of the Green Planet Association.

This project is carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests and the FEPRA group, and lays the foundation for a best practices model for the long-term implementation of DRS for small retailers and local public authorities. Through this collaboration, the aim is to provide a complete solution, from implementation to operation, for small merchants in the process of managing DRS packaging.

“As one of the leading companies in the recycling and waste packaging collection industry in Romania, we are a strong promoter of innovation and societal involvement. We are proud to partner with the EcoWave project: The Recycling Revolution on the Beach!, a project that can become a best practices example for all those impacted by the Deposit-Return System. We believe that through such partnerships, we will be able to develop effective and easily accessible solutions for all those who desire a clean environment and a sustainable future – whether they are citizens, merchants, or public authorities,” said Sorina Răducanu, Marketing and Sales Director at FEPRA.

Additionally, the automatic collection centers also have an information and awareness component about the importance of protecting the environment, as well as details about the environmental projects of the Green Planet Association.

To mark the launch of this project, a special event also took place today with the participation of the Minister of Environment, Waters and Forests, where the long-term benefits of this initiative were presented.

“We invite all visitors to Zanzibar Beach to use this center and contribute to a cleaner environment. It is an opportunity to take a significant step towards a sustainable future,” added Mihaela Papazu.

For more information about the project and how you can contribute to protecting the environment, please visit

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Miruna Macsim | 28/06/2024 | 12:25
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