Bookfest schedule for today, Friday May 30

Newsroom 30/05/2014 | 09:20

This year’s literary extravaganza of Bookfest consists of interactive events, book launches, reading and autograph sessions, meetings with big names from culture, art and politics, concerts, films, theater performances for kids, photography, creative writing and live drawing workshops, plus debates, at Romexpo, between May 28 to June 1.

Here’s the schedule of events for Friday, May 30:

10.30-11.30 Cultural Association Adsum and Zip Publishing House

Editors meeting with writers: Zip’s editors will meet with aspiring writers that want to be published.

(own booth, Pav. C4)

11.00 The French Institute Bucharest

Workshop for teenagers from the Department of Foreign language courses.

(own booth, Pav. C4)

11.00-12.00 Curtea Veche Publishing

Storytelling and drawing workshop„Domișoara Poimâine și Joaca de-a Timpul” (kids 3-8 years).

Guests: writer Adina Rosetti and illustrator Cristiana Radu.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

12.00-13.00 Romania de Maine Foundation

Book launches: Societatea economică socială de piață, by Ion Tudosescu; Au pays de la littérature comparée. Recherches interdisciplinaires et interculturelles, by Efstratia Oktapoda („Multiligvism și culturi în dialog” collection).

Agora Scene, pav. C4

11.00-12.00 All Publishing

Children’s event: launching the “Pixi” collection and meeting the Pixi elf.

(own booth, pav. C1)

11.30-12.00 Daath Book

Presenting the collection „Povești și Povestiri”

Guests: Ioan Gyuri Pascu, Zully Mustafa.

Moderator: Daniela Marin.

(Arena Scene, pav. C1)

11.30-12.00 Cultural Association Adsum and Zip Publishing House

„Vocile Poetului” – free lecture moment offered by Cenaclul de Seară.

Guests: Florentin Streche, Elena Diaconescu, Alex Groza, Conu Marius.

Moderator: Ion Gabriel Pușcă.

(Literary cafe Julius Meinl, pav. C4)

12.00-13.00 Adenium Publishing

Launching the book Bătrâna canapea albastră și alte povestiri, by Seymour Mayne.

Guests: Seymour Mayne, Raluca Tănăsescu, His Excellency Joanne Lemay (Canadian ambassador), Felix Nicolau.

Moderator: Liviu Antonesei.

(Literary cafe Julius Meinl, pav. C4)

12.00-13.00 AL. I. Cuza University Publishing House

Book launches: Figuri ale vulnerabilităţii existenţiale. De la uitarea de sine la uitarea fiinţei; De gustibus. Breviar de gastrosofie; Dosare metafizice. Reconstrucţie hermeneutică şi istorie critică; Imagine şi text.

Guests: Nicu Gavriluță, George Bondor, Paul Marinescu, Sorin Lavric.

(Arena Scene, pav. C1)

12.30-12.30 Nemira Publishing

Launching the book: O introducere în studiul vieţii şi operei lui Grigore Palama, by John Meyendorff.

Guests: Vasile Adrian Carabă (coordinator for the „Byzantium” collection), Măriuca Alexandrescu, Părintele Gheorghe Holbea (Bucharest Theology College), Radu Preda (Cluj Theology College).

Moderator: Vasile Adrian Carabă.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

13.00-13.30 Polirom Publishing

Book launch: Sindromul Robinson, by Radu Mareş.

Guests: Marcel Petrişor, Ion Papuc, Bedros Horasangian.

Moderator: Daniel Cristea-Enache.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

13.00-14.00 Accounting Experts Corps in Romania

Round table: Fiscality in Romania: between normal and legal

Moderator: Florin Dobre PHD

(Literary cafe Julius Meinl, pav. C4)

13.00 14.00 Eikon publishing house

Book launches: Maria cea fără de moarte, by Gaby Michăilescu; Educație fizică, sport și societate în România interbelică, by Bogdan Popa; Psihokinetoterapia, by Dumitru Buiac;

Guests: Mihai Petrovici, Dumitru Buiac, Bogdan Popa.

Moderator: Valentin Ajder.

(Arena Scene, pav. C1)

13.00-14.00 Romania’s National History Museum

Launch: Masterpiece volumes from the National Museum of History Collection.

Moderator: Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu (museum general director)

Agora Scene, pav. C4

13.30-14.00 Polirom Publishing

Book launch: Beniamin, by Eugen Uricaru.

Guests: Gabriel Dimisianu, Ioan Holban, Paul Cernat.

Moderator: Daniel Cristea-Enache.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

14.00 French Institute in Bucharest

Workshop for teenagers from the Department of Foreign language courses.

(own booth, Pav. C4)

14.00-14.30 Polirom Publishing

Book launch: Sociologia religiilor. Credinţe, ritualuri, ideologii, by Nicu Gavriluţă.

Guests: Marian Preda, Liviu Chelcea.

Moderator: Adrian Şerban.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

14.00-15.30 Romanian Academy Publishing house

Book launch: Probleme vechi, relații noi în agricultură, by Gabriel Popescu.

Guests: acad. Gheorghe Zaman, prof. univ. dr. Cristina Suciu, cercet. științ. dr. Simona Bara, dr. Doina Argesanu, dr. Simona Gadea.

Moderator: Popa Mihai.

(Arena Scene, pav. C1)

14.30-15.00 Polirom publishing

Book launch: Tu n-ai trăit nimic, by Gabriel Decuble.

Guests: Cosmin Ciotloş, George Neagoe.

Moderator: Ana-Maria Tăbârcă.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

14.30-15.30 Pavese’s friends Association – Pavesiana Publishing

Launching the bilingual poetry volume: Guillaume il poeta e l’amministratore, by Virgil Mazilescu, italian translation by Clara Mitola („Poesis” collection).

Guests: Ion Bogdan Lefter, Clara Mitola.

Moderator: Mara Chirițescu.

(Literary cafe Julius Meinl, pav. C4 )

15.00-15.30 Ars Docendi Publishing

Book presentation: Pamfil Şeicaru, by Fănel Teodoraşcu.

(own booth, Pav. C4)

15.00-16.00 Antet XX Press

Volume launch: Pustia se lumește and Amintiri din hristosferă, by Vasile Andru.

Guests: Vasile Andru, Radu Comănescu, Dan Stanca, Mihail Gălăţanu, Liviu Ioan Stoiciu.

Moderator: Mihai Fătu.

Agora Scene, pav. C4

15.00-16.00 Adsum Cultural Association – Zip Publishing House

Editors meeting with writers: Zip’s editors will meet with aspiring writers that want to be published.

(own booth, Pav. C4)

15.30-16.00 Adsum Cultural Association – Zip Publishing House

„Vocile Poetului” – lecture moment offered by Cenaclul de Seară.

Guests: Florentin Streche, Elena Diaconescu, Alex Groza, Conu Marius.

Moderator: Ion Gabriel Pușcă.

(Literary cafe Julius Meinl, pav. C4)


Round table: “Danube Strategy: regionalism and sustainability”

Guests: Peter Langer (DE), Jutta Sommerbauer (AT), Méhes Márton (HU), Szávics Petra (RO), Bara Gyula (RO).

Moderator: Liviu MIHAIU (RO).

(Arena Scene, pav. C1)

16.00 French Institute Bucharest

Theatric improvisation with Alexandra Holban.

(own booth, Pav. C4)

16.30 Herald Publishing

MINDFULNES: a new perspective in psychology

Guests: Daniela Andreescu (writer and life coach), Mihai Popa Radu (director Mindfulness Institute).

(own booth, Pav. C2)

16.00-16.30 Ars Docendi Publishing House

Book presentation: Achiziţia limbii la preşcolari. Un studiu neuro-socio-lingvistic, by Filip Bacalu.

(own booth, Pav. C4)

16.00-16.30 Polirom publishing

Book launch: Noaptea soarelui răsare, by Ovidiu Pecican.

Invitat: Cosmin Ciotloş.

Moderator: Daniel Cristea-Enache.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

16.00-17.00 Adenium Publishing House

Launching the book„Iluzoria vulpe a fericirii”, byDoina Popescu.

Guests: Doina Popescu, Liviu Antonesei, Tudor Călin Zarojanu.

Moderator: Gabriel Cheșcu

(Literary cafe Julius Meinl, pav. C4)

16.30-17.00 Polirom publishing

Book launch: Nevoia de miracol. Fenomenul pelerinajelor în România contemporană, by Mirel Bănică.

Guests: Andrei Oişteanu, Luca Niculescu.

Moderator: Adrian Şerban.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

17.00 Humanitas Publishing

Book launch: Poem deschis. Antologie 1947-2013, by Tadeusz Różewicz.

Speakers: Denisa Comănescu, Wojciech Bonowicz, Leszek Biały, Constantin Geambaşu.

Lecture: Lari Giorgescu.

(Booth for guest of honor, pav. C4)

17.00 Humanitas Publishing

Autograph session: Dan C. Mihăilescu.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

17.00-17.30 Polirom publishing

Book launch: Leonid Dimov. Un oniric în turnul Babel, by Luminiţa Corneanu.

Guest: Emil Brumaru.

Moderator: Daniel Cristea-Enache.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

17.00-17.30 Adsum Cultural Association – Zip Publishing House

Book launch: Te rog ai grijă de mama.

Guests: Marius Conu, Florentin Streche.

Moderator: Ion Gabriel Pușcă.

(own booth, Pav. C4)

17.00-18.00 Coring Publishing

Book launch followed by autograph session: Talismanul etrusc, by Alessandro Baussmerth.

Speakers: Alessandro Baussmerth, Bedros Horasangian, Walter Riess (illustrator).

Moderator: Ana Antonescu (editor in chief Editura Corint).

(own booth, pav. C1)

17.00-18.00 METEOR PRESS

Book launch: Țarul Putin – din interiorul cultului puterii în Rusia, by Anna Arutunyan; Rusia în secolul XX, by David R. Marples.

Guests: Armand Goșu (editor-in-chief Revista 22), Constantin Degeratu (veteran, former major chief of Romanian Army).

Moderator: Bedros Horasangian.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

17.00-18.00 Vremea Publishing

Book launch: Lăcaşul zeilor. Jurnal sentimental de călătorie, by Alexander Bibac.

Guests: Doina Jela, Alexander Bibac.

Moderator: Silvia Colfescu

(Literary cafe Julius Meinl, pav. C4)

17.00-18.30 Paralela 45 Publishing

Launches: Aceasta nu este o carte, by Keri Smith, Termină această carte, by Keri Smith; Cum se citește o carte: Ghid clasic pentru o lectură inteligentă, by Mortimer J. Adler and Ch. Van Doren (Compact collection).

Guests: Simona Popescu, Florin Iaru, Ion Bogdan Lefter, Doru Căstăian, Călin Vlasie.

Moderator: Tudor Călin Zarojanu.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

17.15-18.00 Nemira publishing

Launching the PHILEMON collection: voluymes Diavolul în viziuni, vise şi poveşti, by Lavinia Bârlogeanu and Ego şi arhetip, by Edward Edinger.

Guests: Lavinia Bârlogeanu (collection coordinator), Carmen Muşat, Claudia Vîlceanu, Ileana Efrim, Gabriela Deniz, Eugen Ciurtin.

Moderator: Alexandra Florescu.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

17.30 Herald Publishing

Book launch: Homeopatie în psihoterapie

Guest: Mirela Pop, author

(Herald booth, PAV. C2)

17.30-18.00 Polirom publishing

Book launch: Controlul cărţii. Cenzura literaturii în regimul comunist din România, by Liliana Corobca.

Guests: Magda Cârneci, George Neagoe.

Moderator: Daniel Cristea-Enache.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

18.00 Donau Lounge

Darvasi László (HU): A lojangi kutyavadászok / Vânătorii de câini din Loyang.

Lecture moderated by DEMETER Zsuzsa (RO).

(own booth, Pav. C4)

18.00 Humanitas Publishing House

Book launch: Chenzine literare, by Tania Radu.

Guests: Tania Radu, Ioana Pârvulescu, Angelo Mitchevici, Lidia Bodea.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

18.00 French Institute Bucharest

Round table: “The road to writing: creating, translating, publishing”

Guests: Sorj Chalandon, Denisa Comănescu, Doru Mareş

Moderator : Gabriela Adameşteanu.

(own booth, Pav. C4)

18.00 Vinea Publishing House

Launching the poetry volume „o seară cu johnny răducanu şi andreea” („debut” collection), by Karla Zercicov.

Guests: Karla Zercicov, Mihail Gălăţanu, Nicolae Tzone.

(own booth, Pav. C4)

18.30 Herald Publishing

Launching the MENTOR collection (art and personal development): Kafka pentru deprimaţi, by Allan Percy; Oscar Wilde pentru blazaţi, by Allan Percy; Nietzche pentru stresaţi, by Allan Percy

Guests: Amalia Săvinescu (photographic coach), Mitos Miclauşean (artist).

(own booth, Pav. C2)

18.00-18.30 Martor Publishing House: The Peasant’s Museum

Launching magazine MARTOR nr. 18 / 2013 – „Remembering Childhood”

Guests: Ioana Popescu, Anamaria Iuga, Bogdan Iancu.

Moderator: Simina Bădica.

(Literary cafe Julius Meinl, pav. C4)

18.00-18.30 Polirom publishing

Book launch: Elefantul de cîmpie, by Constantin Iftime.

Guests: Ioan Es. Pop, Cosmin Perţa.

Moderator: Daniel Cristea-Enache.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

18.00-19.00 Curtea Veche Publishing

Launching volumes Este Dumnezeu fericit? and Prezența mitului, by Leszek Kołakowski.

Guests: Vladimir Tismăneanu, Horia-Roman Patapievici, Ioan Stanomir, Constantin Geambașu.

Agora Scene, pav. C4

18.00-19.00 Three Publishing House

Book launch: Operaţiunea Seruven, by Stanislas Pierret şi Arnaud Littardi.

Guests: Stanislas Pierret, Arnaud Littardi şi Svetlana Cârstean.

Moderator: Magdalena Mărculescu.

(own booth, pav. C1)

18.30-19.00 Paralela 45 Publishing

Book launch: De profesie autodidact, by Tudor Octavian (Colecția „Biblioteca românească”).

Guests: Tudor Călin Zarojanu, Tudor Octavian.

Moderator: Tudor Călin Zarojanu.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

18.30-19.00 Polirom publishing

Book launch: Şugubina, by Mircea Diaconu.

Guests: Bianca Burţa-Cernat, Bedros Horasangian.

Moderator: Claudia Fitcoschi.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

18.30-19.00 Shambala Publishing house

Launching volume Aproape totul despre pielea trupului și tainele ei. Minienciclopedia remediilor naturale pentru îngrijirea, regenerarea și înfrumusețarea pielii, de profesor yoga Gregorian Bivolaru.

Guests: Bădescu Lorena (pharmacist).

Moderator: prof. Teodorescu Teofil.

(Literary cafe Julius Meinl, pav. C4)

18.30-19.20 Litera Publishing House

Book launch: Dragostea. Gene egoiste, chimie sau romantism?, by Richard David Precht.

Guests: Monica Davidescu, Aurelian Temișan.

Moderator: Dana Săvuică.

(own booth, Pav. C2)

18.30-19.30 All Publishing

Tower Volume launch with author Simon Toyne in video conference.

Moderator: Sanda Nicola.

(Arena Scene, pav. C1)

19.00 Old Music Concert

Trei Parale Band

Agora Scene, pav. C4

19.00 Donau Lounge

Jutta SOMMERBAUER (AT): Lesereise Donau: Vom Schwarzwald zum Schwarzen Meer / Călătorie literară dunăreană: de la Pădurea Neagră până la Marea Neagră

Lecture moderated by MÉHES Márton (HU).

(own booth, Pav. C4)

19.00-19.30 Shambala Publishing

Launching the volume: Povești celebre ale Indiei ce se adresează atât celor mari, cât şi celor mijlocii, şi care sunt pline de tâlcuri tainice (hrană pentru suflet).

Guests: prof. Julieta Teodorescu.

Moderator: prof. Teofil Teodorescu.

(Literary cafe Julius Meinl, pav. C4)

19.30-20.30 All Publishing

Launching in memorial volume for Diana Sorescu: Diana cu Vanilie – The Book.

(Arena Scene, pav. C1)

20.00 Donau Lounge

Aléa TORIK (DE): Aléas Ich

Public lecture with invited guest

(own booth, Pav. C4)

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