10 best sites to Buy YouTube Subscribers using PayPal

Antonio Usurelu 25/03/2024 | 14:45



The best site to buy Youtube subs using PayPal, according to my independent test, is UseViral.com.








Did you know that 30,000 hours of video content are uploaded to YouTube every hour?

So it makes sense that new creators struggle to break through on this highly competitive platform.

But is there anything you can do?

Yes, there is! 

You can buy YouTube subscribers using PayPal!

I tested 78 different services for buying real YouTube subscribers using PayPal and made a list of the top 10 best sites.

So without wasting much time, let’s get right to it!


Best Sites To Buy YouTube Subscribers with PayPal

1. UseViral

Choose PayPal when you pay using UseViral

Score 9.9/10


UseViral is undeniably the premier destination to buy YouTube subscribers with PayPal.

Their features encompass 24/7 customer support, assuring you that assistance is just a message away whenever you require it.

Verified results and glowing testimonials underscore the reliability of their services, instilling confidence in potential customers.

Moreover, UseViral provides customizable subscription packages, allowing you to tailor your investment precisely to your needs and budget.

What’s particularly convenient is the hassle-free payment process facilitated by PayPal, making your transaction seamless and secure, ultimately solidifying UseViral’s position as the go-to platform for YouTube subscriber growth.



  • 24/7 customer support.
  • Verified results and testimonials.
  • Customizable subscription packages.
  • No risk of YouTube account suspension.



  • Hassle-free payment process with PayPal.
  • Boost YouTube monetization eligibility.



  • Risk of decreased organic engagement.



For more info, visit UseViral.com.


2. SidesMedia

Sidesmedia website offers PayPal when you buy YouTube Subscribers

Score 9.8/10


SidesMedia, the runner-up for buying real YouTube subscribers using PayPal, stands out for its commitment to providing real and active YouTube subscribers. 

One of its notable features is the ability to target specific subscriber demographics, allowing content creators to tailor their audience precisely. 

SidesMedia also adopts a gradual delivery approach, ensuring subscriber growth appears natural and organic. 

This strategy aids content creators in rapidly expanding their YouTube channels and reaching a wider audience. 



  • Real YouTube subscribers.
  • Targeted subscriber demographics available.
  • Gradual delivery for natural growth.



  • Rapid channel growth for content creators.
  • Enhanced video discoverability and reach.



  • Non-natural growth can raise suspicions.



For more info, visit SidesMedia.com.


3. Growthoid

Growthoid Subs using PayPal

Score 9.3/10


Growthoid, ranking as the third-best platform to buy YouTube subscribers with PayPal, is highly regarded for its exceptional features. 

Its commitment to providing a pool of verified, high quality YouTube subscribers stands out. 

What truly sets Growthoid apart is its dedication to fostering organic-looking growth, ensuring that your YouTube channel expansion appears natural and authentic. 

These genuine YouTube subscribers aren’t just numbers but engaging, active individuals genuinely interested in your content. 

It is an excellent choice for those seeking to enhance their YouTube presence with real, organic subscribers.



  • Verified, high quality subscribers.
  • Organic-looking growth.
  • Engaging, active subscribers.
  • Fast delivery options.



  • Increased chances of going viral.
  • Strengthened online credibility and authority.



  • Focus on quantity over quality.



For more info, visit Growthoid.com.


4. Twesocial

Score 8.9/10


Twesocial, ranked as the fourth-best platform for purchasing subscribers, offers a range of enticing features and benefits.

 Their competitive pricing plans ensure that boosting your subscriber count doesn’t break the bank, making it accessible to many content creators and businesses. 

Moreover, their commitment to secure payment methods ensures your financial information remains confidential. 

An interesting feature is that Twesocial does not require sharing your YouTube account password, providing an extra layer of security.



  • Affordable pricing plans.
  • Secure payment methods.
  • No password is required.



  • Potential for higher ad revenue.
  • Saves time on organic subscriber acquisition.



  • Uncertain long-term subscriber retention.



5. TokUpgrade

Score 8.5/10


TokUpgrade, with an impressive score of 8.5/10, is a standout player in YouTube growth services. 

While its specific features go beyond just worldwide subscriber availability and increased video visibility, these attributes are pivotal in its success. 

With TokUpgrade, content creators and businesses can tap into a global audience, transcending geographic boundaries. 

This international reach not only bolsters the number of subscribers but also fosters diverse viewership. 

Moreover, the increased video visibility propels content into the spotlight, attracting more eyes and engagement.



  • Worldwide subscriber availability.
  • Increased video visibility.
  • Improved social proof



  • Competitive edge in your niche.
  • A shortcut to YouTube partnership.



  • It may not align with content values.



6. Socialboom.io

Score 7.7/10


Socialboom.io, the sixth contender on our list of top social media platforms to buy YouTube subscribers with PayPal, offers compelling advantages for YouTube channel growth. 

With a focus on bolstering channel authority, it empowers content creators to enhance their online presence. 

Notably, Socialboom.io provides a money-back guarantee, instilling confidence in its services. 

However, it’s important to note that this platform’s usage might hinder analytics accuracy, potentially posing a challenge for content creators who rely heavily on precise data analysis to refine their content strategies and engage effectively with their audience. 

Despite this, Socialboom.io remains a viable option for those seeking to boost their channel’s prominence.




  • Boosted channel authority.
  • Money-back guarantee.



  • Encourages more genuine subscribers.
  • Amplified social influence.



  • Hindered analytics accuracy.



7. Stormlikes.net

Score 7.6/10


Stormlikes.net, ranked seventh on our list of YouTube subscriber providers, offers a compelling blend of features and some potential drawbacks. 

On the positive side, Stormlikes.net prioritizes user privacy, protecting your personal information. 

Their service also simplifies order tracking, providing transparency throughout the subscriber acquisition journey. 

However, it’s worth noting that analytics accuracy might have a downside. 

Depending on your needs, this limitation could impact your ability to measure and understand your channel’s performance precisely. 

Therefore, when considering Stormlikes.net, weighing these factors and determining their significance in achieving your YouTube growth objectives is essential.



  • Privacy protection.
  • Easy order tracking.
  • No bots or fake YouTube accounts
  • Enhanced reputation among viewers.



  • Unpredictable algorithmic changes.



8. Twicsy.net

Score 7.3/10


Twicsy.net, securing the eighth position on our list of top platforms for purchasing high quality subscribers with PayPal, boasts a respectable score of 7.3/10. 

This platform stands out with its convenient bulk subscriber options, providing users with flexibility in expanding their subscriber base. 

While it doesn’t top our rankings, Twicsy.net is a reliable choice. 

However, potential subscribers should be aware that while it can enhance your YouTube channel’s subscriber count, the true challenge lies in maintaining an enhanced reputation among your viewers, as authenticity and engagement are vital to long-term success on YouTube.



  • Bulk subscriber options.
  • Dedicated account manager.
  • Referral and loyalty programs.



  • Jumpstart for new YouTube channels.



  • Enhanced reputation among viewers.



9. Social Viral

Score 6.8/10


Social Viral, a prominent player in social media enhancement, is known for its unique features that set it apart from the competition. 

One standout quality is its consistent subscriber retention, ensuring that the subscribers you gain through their service are likelier to stick around. 

This boosts your subscriber count and maintains a stable and active audience. 

On the positive side, Social Viral excels in accelerating audience engagement.

Attracting viewers who are genuinely interested in your content fosters meaningful interactions and helps your YouTube channel grow more rapidly. 

These features make Social Viral a valuable asset for content creators looking to build a loyal and engaged YouTube audience.



  • Instant subscriber count increase.
  • Geographic targeting.
  • Consistent YouTube subscriber retention.



  • Accelerated audience engagement.
  • Better search engine rankings.



  • Limited impact on watch time.



10. SocLikes

Score 6.3/10


SocLikes, a service with a score of 6.3/10, is a trusted choice for content creators and influencers seeking to enhance their online presence. 

With focus on safety and discretion, SocLikes offers a reliable solution for those looking to boost their social media engagement. 

Users can appreciate the peace of mind of knowing their interactions are in good hands. 

However, it’s important to note that, like many services, there may be chances of experiencing unsubscribers over time. 

While SocLikes can provide an initial boost in social proof, maintaining long-term engagement may require additional strategies.



  • Safe and discreet service.
  • Trusted by content creators and influencers.
  • They accept Bitcoin Payments



  • Increased sponsor and brand interest.



  • Chances of unsubscribers over time.



How To Purchase YouTube Subscribers Using PayPal?

Buying subscribers is a straightforward process that involves selecting a reputable provider and following a few simple steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Choose a Reputable Provider

The first and most crucial step is to select a reputable service provider that offers cheap YouTube subscribers for purchase. 

Well-known providers include UseViral, SidesMedia, Growthoid, Twesocial, and TokUpgrade. 

Take your time to research and compare these providers, considering factors like pricing, customer reviews, and the quality of cheap YouTube subscribers they deliver. 

Step 2: Visit the Provider’s Website

Once you’ve chosen a provider, visit their official website. Reputable providers typically have user-friendly websites that showcase their YouTube services, pricing, and packages. 

Spend some time exploring the details of their cheap YouTube subscriber packages to find the one that best suits your goals. 

Step 3: Select Your Subscriber Package

On the provider’s website, various subscriber packages are available for purchase. These packages often vary in the number of targeted subscribers they offer. 

Carefully select the package that aligns with your goals and budget.

Step 4: Provide Your YouTube Channel Information

You’ll typically need to provide information about your YouTube channel to proceed with the purchase. This may include your channel’s URL or name. 

Ensure your channel settings are set to “public” so the provider can deliver authentic YouTube subscribers to your channel without any issues.

Step 5: Complete the Transaction with PayPal

You’ll be directed to a payment page after selecting your package and providing the necessary information. Reputable providers often offer multiple payment options, including PayPal. 

Choose PayPal as your payment method and follow the prompts to complete the transaction. 

Step 6: Wait for Confirmation

Once the payment is successfully processed, you should receive your order confirmation. This confirmation may be displayed on the provider’s website or sent to your email address. 

It indicates that your order is being processed, and the provider will begin delivering cheap YouTube subscribers to your YouTube channel.

Step 7: Monitor Your YouTube Channel

After you buy organic YouTube subscribers, keep an eye on your YouTube channel. You should start seeing an increase in your subscriber count as the provider delivers your purchased high quality YouTube subscribers. 

The time it takes to see the cheap YouTube subscribers added to your channel may vary depending on the provider and the specific package you selected.


Why Should You Buy YouTube Subscribers PayPal?

There are many reasons to purchase YouTube Subscribers. Let’s look deeper at some of the benefits of buying YT subs.

Increased Visibility

YouTube’s algorithm is designed to identify and promote content that engages viewers. Authentic subscribers are one of the key engagement metrics considered by the algorithm. 

When you buy YouTube subscribers with PayPal and increase your subscriber count, your channel signals to YouTube that your content is gaining popularity. 

Consequently, the algorithm will more likely recommend your YouTube videos to a broader audience. 

Attracting Advertisers and Partnerships

Companies often collaborate with content creators to reach their target audience. When your channel has many subscribers, you become an appealing prospect for advertisers and potential brand partnerships. 

Brands are eager to associate with creators who can effectively promote their products or YouTube services to a large and engaged audience. 

Having a substantial subscriber base gives you a competitive advantage when negotiating partnerships and sponsorships, potentially opening up revenue opportunities.

Monetization Opportunities

To monetize your YouTube channel through the YouTube Partner Program, which includes ad revenue, channel memberships, and merchandise shelf features, you must meet specific eligibility criteria set by YouTube. 

One of these criteria is having a minimum of 1,000 subscribers. Additionally, you must have accumulated a certain number of watch hours in the past 12 months.

Buying YouTube subscribers can help you meet the subscriber requirement more quickly, allowing you to access monetization features sooner. 

Competitive Edge

In YouTube’s vast and competitive landscape, distinguishing yourself from others in your niche is essential. 

When you buy subscribers, you gain a head start that can set you apart from competitors. 

A higher subscriber count signals viewers and potential collaborators that your channel is already making waves. 


Things to Consider When Buying YouTube Subscribers using PayPal

Picking the right provider to buy YouTube subscribers PayPal is not an easy task. 

There are many social media marketing services to choose from, so when we were making this list, we considered the following qualities. 

You can use them to select another provider of your choice.

Refund Policies

Reputable providers often have clear and customer-friendly refund policies in place. 

These policies typically offer money-back guarantees if you’re not satisfied with the service you receive. 

This assurance demonstrates the provider’s confidence in the quality of their subscribers and shows their commitment to customer satisfaction. 

It’s a valuable protection mechanism, ensuring that if the subscribers you receive don’t meet your expectations or the promised results aren’t delivered, you have a recourse to recoup your expenditure. 


When selecting a provider, prioritize those transparent about their methods for acquiring and delivering subscribers. 

Transparency means openly sharing and explaining how they attract real users to subscribe to your channel. They don’t keep their methods vague or undisclosed, which can be a red flag. 

Transparent providers provide you with peace of mind, knowing that the subscribers you’re purchasing are genuine and acquired through ethical means. 

Long-Term Strategy

Think about where you want your YouTube channel to be in the future. 

Buying subscribers can be a valuable kickstart to increase your channel’s visibility, but it should be part of a more comprehensive growth plan. 

Your long-term strategy should create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience. 

Building a genuine and loyal subscriber base over time is key to long-term success on the platform. 

Consider how you’ll continue to attract and retain subscribers organically, foster audience engagement, and develop your channel’s unique identity. 

Privacy and Security

It’s crucial to prioritize the privacy and security of your personal and financial information when buying YouTube subscribers, especially when using PayPal as a payment method. 

Ensure that the service provider has robust security measures to protect your data. 

Look for indicators like SSL encryption on their website to safeguard your payment details. 

Review their privacy policy to understand how they handle and store customer information. 

Being diligent about privacy and security helps you avoid potential risks of sharing sensitive data online.



When you decide to buy YouTube subscribers with PayPal, you’re taking a strategic step to boost your channel’s visibility and potential for monetization. 

These services offer a convenient way to jumpstart your subscriber count and attract advertisers and partnerships. 

However, it’s crucial to choose a reputable provider that doesn’t use fake subscribers, which can be detected by other YouTube users.

Maintaining engagement and producing high-quality content remains critical to lasting success. 

With PayPal’s secure payment method, you can confidently embark on your YouTube growth journey.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is it necessary to continue creating content after buying subscribers?

Creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience is essential for long-term success. Purchased subscribers can give you a head start, but maintaining and attracting real subscribers requires ongoing effort.

Can I choose subscribers that match my channel’s niche?

Many providers offer targeted subscriber options, allowing you to select high quality subscribers who align with your content niche and audience demographics.

Do purchased active YouTube subscribers engage with my content?

If you buy YouTube subscribers cheap, it can have varied engagement. Some may actively engage with your content, while others might not. Creating compelling YouTube videos to retain and attract genuine subscribers is crucial.

What’s the role of PayPal in purchasing YouTube subscribers?

PayPal serves as a secure and trusted payment method accepted by reputable providers. It ensures the safety of your financial transactions when you buy real YouTube subscribers.

Are there budget considerations when buying subscribers?

It’s vital to establish a realistic budget that aligns with your overall channel growth strategy. Extremely cheap offers often deliver low-quality or fake subscribers.

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