10 Best Sites to Buy Yelp Reviews (5 Star Reviews)

Antonio Usurelu 25/03/2024 | 18:59



The best site to buy Yelp reviews, according to my independent test, is UseViral.com.







Yelp is a great review site where you can share your business to the world.

Yelp can be challenging for several reasons, thats why it requires a lot of dedication.

So, how can you make it easier?

You can buy Yelp reviews!

I researched over 40 sites for buying positive Yelp reviews and i listed the top 10 sites to buy yelp reviews.


Best Sites to Buy Yelp Reviews


1. UseViral

You can buy 5 star Yelp reviews from UseViral

Score: 9.5/10


Utilizing services such as UseViral can significantly benefit your online presence. 

You can effectively boost your reputation management by obtaining more Yelp reviews and harnessing AI-enhanced review analysis. 

This strategy enables your business to receive an influx of positive reviews, enhancing your credibility and prominence on the Yelp platform. 

These genuine, online reviews can drive increased customer trust and loyalty, ultimately leading to improved brand recognition, more reviews, and greater success for your business in the competitive online landscape.



  • AI-Enhanced Review Analysis
  • Customizable Review Filters
  • Real-time Review Monitoring



  • Enhanced Reputation Management
  • Increased Customer Trust and Credibility



  • Temporary Boost in Ratings



2. SidesMedia


Score 9.4/10


Engaging with SidesMedia can yield a host of benefits for your reputation, especially on Yelp. 

Their commitment to delivering authentic positive reviews ensures your brand enjoys an increased presence on Yelp, bolstering its visibility and credibility. 

With SidesMedia, there’s no need to worry about fake reviews as they focus on delivering genuine, high-quality Yelp reviews. 

This approach enhances your reputation and helps your business stand out positively among competitors. 

Through their services, your brand can thrive by garnering good Yelp reviews, which are crucial in building trust and attracting new customers looking for reliable businesses online.



  • Localized Reputation Insights
  • Competitor Review Benchmarking
  • Review Sentiment Heatmaps



  • Boosted Brand Visibility on Yelp
  • You Buy Real Yelp reviews



  • Hidden Negative User Experience



3. Growthoid


Score 9.3/10


Engaging with services like Growthoid can profoundly impact your business’s reputation, particularly on platforms like Yelp. 

Their commitment to delivering genuine positive reviews in multiple languages provides a competitive advantage, enhancing your brand’s visibility and trustworthiness among a diverse customer base. 

With Growthoid, there’s no risk of post fake reviews tarnishing your online presence, ensuring that your business’s reputation remains authentic and reliable. 

This approach bolsters your reputation and positions your brand favorably against competitors, as the influx of genuine reviews can significantly influence customers’ choices. 

In the dynamic online landscape, such authentic and multilingual reviews can be a game-changer for your business.



  • Multi-Language Review Translation
  • Review Highlight Reels
  • Review Authenticity Verification



  • Competitive Advantage through Positive Reviews
  • Strategic Review Response Guidance
  • Perfect for Local Businesses



  • Limited Organic Growth



4. Twesocial 

Score 9.1/10

Partnering with Twesocial can yield substantial benefits for your Yelp page. 

They specialize in providing authentic positive reviews, ensuring your reputation remains trustworthy and credible. 

With Twesocial, you won’t have to worry about the presence of false reviews tarnishing your business’s image. 

Their commitment to social media integration enhances your Yelp page and opens up new avenues for engaging with customers. 

More reviews, particularly positive ones, can significantly boost your customer engagement opportunities. 

This approach helps you stand out among competitors by presenting an authentic and appealing image to potential customers, ultimately increasing trust and loyalty in your brand.



  • Social Media Integration
  • Review Response Automation
  • Trend Analysis and Reporting



  • Enhanced Customer Engagement Opportunities
  • Effective Negative Review Mitigation Strategies



  • Potential for Negative Publicity



5. TokUpgrade

Score 8.8/10

TokUpgrade, a prominent place to buy reviews, distinguishes itself through a suite of features designed to boost your Yelp reviews. 

Their Review Moderation Dashboard empowers you to curate reviews while addressing negative ones, shaping your online image effectively. 

With Review Conversion Tracking, you can assess the impact of reviews on your reputation. 

The Geo-Tagged Review Maps offer a geographical perspective on your reviews. 

Notably, TokUpgrade goes beyond by offering Customized Reputation Enhancement Plans, tailoring strategies to your unique needs. 

This can potentially result in a higher local SEO ranking, improving your visibility to local customers. 

With the power to cultivate positive Yelp reviews and enhance your reputation, TokUpgrade offers valuable tools for businesses seeking to thrive in the digital landscape.



  • Review Moderation Dashboard
  • Review Conversion Tracking
  • Geo-Tagged Review Maps



  • Customized Reputation Enhancement Plans
  • Higher Local SEO Ranking Potential
  • Option for Negative Reviews



  • Inaccurate Customer Feedback



6. Reviews That Stick

Score 8.4/10

When considering sites that offer Yelp reviews, “Reviews That Stick” stands out for several notable features. 

Their system employs a unique Review Influence Score, which adds authenticity and enhances your reputation on Yelp. 

The ability to tag and categorize reviews strategically helps organize and showcase the most relevant content. 

Moreover, including Review Sentiment Alerts ensures you stay updated with users who write positive reviews on Yelp.

The advantages extend to fostering increased customer loyalty and retention and providing in-depth review analytics and insights that can be instrumental in shaping business strategies. 

These features collectively create a robust foundation for enhancing your online presence and reputation on Yelp.



  • Review Influence Score
  • Review Tagging and Categorization
  • Review Sentiment Alerts
  • No Negative reviews for your business.



  • Increased Customer Loyalty and Retention
  • In-depth review Analytics and Insights



  • Unreliable Review Quality
  • Might be a Fake Review.



7. Media Mister

Score 8.0/10

When it comes to sites specializing in selling Yelp Reviews, the quality of these reviews can be a significant concern. 

Media Mister, with a commendable score of 8.0/10, is among the providers in this landscape. 

However, the reliability of their Yelp reviews can vary, including the potential presence of false reviews. 

Business owners looking to boost their Yelp presence should be cautious, as fake Yelp reviews can harm their reputation. 



  • Review Engagement Analytics
  • Review A/B Testing
  • User-Generated Content Insights
  • Good Reviews on Yelp



  • Comprehensive Online Review Strategy
  • Strengthened Consumer Trustworthiness



  • Potential for Customer Backlash



8. Buy Top Reviews

Score 7.4/10

When considering platforms like Buy Top Reviews, it becomes evident that the landscape of online reputation management is evolving. 

With a notable score of 7.4/10, Buy Top Reviews offers distinct features, including innovative Review Generation Widgets and advanced Review Influencer Identification. 

However, it’s important to note that while these tools can provide short-term gains by boosting review numbers, the longevity and authenticity of such fake Yelp reviews might be questionable. 

In an ever-competitive online environment, businesses must balance the benefits of immediate results with the potential risks of a less organic, short-term approach to reputation management.



  • Review Generation Widgets
  • Review Influencer Identification
  • Custom Review Widgets



  • Streamlined Review Management Workflow
  • Enhanced Online Review Conversion Rates



  • Short-Term Gains



9. Buy Real Media

Score 6.8/10

When it comes to navigating the landscape of online reputation and credibility, Buy Real Media emerges as a compelling option for those seeking to bolster their Yelp reviews. 

Their distinctive features, such as a review publication scheduler and a comprehensive review aggregator Dashboard, facilitate an efficient and organized approach to managing online feedback. 

Moreover, integrating a review API ensures seamless incorporation into existing platforms. 

However, it’s crucial to be mindful of the potential risks, as any detection of fake Yelp reviews could lead to reputation damage. 

On the brighter side, Buy Real Media specializes in positive reviews, leaving no room for negative or poor ones, providing an opportunity to enhance your online reputation without drawbacks.



  • Review Publication Scheduler
  • Review Aggregator Dashboard
  • Review API Integration



  • Improved Brand Perception and Image
  • Precise Targeted Review Campaigns



  • Reputation Damage if Detected
  • Might not be best for Local Businesses



10. Reviews Express

Score 5.9/10

Reviews Express, the final service in our discussion, offers a compelling set of features in the realm of Yelp reviews. 

Notably, it excels in multi-platform review syndication, ensuring your feedback reaches a broad audience beyond Yelp alone. 

The pros include their adeptness in optimized review marketing strategies, ensuring your Yelp reviews have the best possible impact. They also spearhead proactive initiatives for review growth. 

However, like many in this domain, there’s the inherent risk of review deletion, which can be a drawback. 

In an ever-evolving online landscape to buy yelp positive review service, Reviews Express stands out for its diverse review marketing approach, though the potential for Yelp reviews to disappear remains a concern.



  • Multi-Platform Review Syndication
  • Review Heatmap Visualization
  • Review Reputation Repair



  • Optimized Review Marketing Strategies
  • Proactive Review Growth Initiatives
  • Option to Buy Negative Reviews



  • Risk of Review Deletion
  • Chance of Fake reviews on yelp



Is it Safe to Buy Yelp Reviews?

Yes, it can be safe to buy Yelp reviews if you choose a reputable provider to generate positive reviews. 

Reputable providers have established processes prioritizing authenticity and compliance with Yelp’s guidelines. 

They often use real Yelp profiles to ensure their reviews are genuine and relevant to your business. 

These providers know Yelp’s strict policies against fake reviews and take precautions to avoid violations.

However, exercising caution and doing thorough research is crucial when selecting a provider. 

Some less reputable services may resort to unethical practices, such as using fake profiles or posting irrelevant reviews, which can result in severe consequences for your business, including damage to your online reputation and potential legal issues.


How to Buy Buy Yelp Reviews?

Buying positive Yelp reviews should be approached with caution, as Yelp has strict guidelines against fake or solicited reviews. However, if you still choose to proceed, here’s a general outline of how to buy Yelp reviews:

Step 1: Research Reputable Yelp Review Providers

Start by researching and identifying reputable review providers known for delivering authentic and compliant Yelp reviews. Consider providers like UseViral, SidesMedia, Growthoid, Twesocial, TokUpgrade.

Step 2: Contact the Provider

Reach out to the selected provider to discuss your needs and requirements. Be clear about the number of reviews you want and any specific details you want the reviews to highlight.

Step 3: Verify Compliance with Yelp’s Guidelines

Ensure that the provider follows Yelp’s guidelines and promises authentic reviews from genuine Yelp users. They should not use fake profiles or post misleading content.

Step 4: Provide Information

Share relevant information about your business, such as its name, location, and any specific talking points you’d like to see in the reviews. This helps the provider create reviews that align with your business.

Step 5: Agree on Terms

Reach an agreement with the provider on pricing, delivery time, and any other terms or conditions. Make sure to get everything in writing.

Step 6: Receive and Monitor Reviews

Once the Yelp reviews are posted, monitor them closely for any issues. Ensure they meet your expectations and comply with Yelp’s guidelines.


Why Should You Buy Yelp Reviews?

Buying Yelp reviews is a controversial practice, and it’s essential to weigh the potential benefits against the ethical and legal risks. 

Here are some reasons people consider buying positive Yelp reviews.

Boosting Reputation

Reviews act as a digital word-of-mouth recommendation. They not only enhance your online reputation but can also reassure potential customers that others have had a positive experience with your business. This is particularly beneficial for businesses where trust is a critical factor, such as healthcare providers or legal services.

Competitive Edge

In industries where numerous businesses offer similar products or services, having a higher review count can set you apart from the competition. When a potential customer sees your business listed with many reviews while others have fewer or none, it can create a perception of superiority and trustworthiness.

Improved Visibility

Yelp often prioritizes businesses with more reviews in search results. This means that a business with a higher review count is more likely to appear at the top of Yelp’s search results, increasing its visibility to users actively looking for Yelp review services in that category.

Building Trust

Trust is a fundamental factor in a customer’s decision-making process. Positive reviews on Yelp build trust by showcasing that your business has a track record of satisfying customers. Potential customers are more likely to choose a business with a history of positive experiences.

Kickstarting New Businesses

For newly established businesses, acquiring reviews can be challenging. Buying Yelp reviews might seem like a quick way to establish an initial online presence and build credibility.

However, it’s essential to note that authenticity is crucial, and fake Yelp reviews can harm your reputation in the long run.


Final thoughts:

In conclusion, Yelp provides a valuable platform for businesses to showcase their Yelp review services to the world. 

However, the journey to success on Yelp can be challenging, requiring dedication and effort. One way to ease this process is by purchasing Yelp reviews. 

After extensive research into over 40 providers where you can buy Yelp reviews, we’ve identified the top 10 sites for acquiring Yelp reviews.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is it legal to buy Yelp reviews?

Buying Yelp reviews is not illegal per se, but it’s against Yelp’s policies. If detected, Yelp can take actions such as removing the reviews, warning or penalizing the business, or even legal action if fraudulent practices are involved.

Will buying positive Yelp reviews improve my business’s reputation?

Purchasing Yelp reviews can temporarily boost your reputation, but authenticity is essential for long-term success. Genuine reviews from satisfied customers are more valuable in building trust on your Yelp page.

Are there any risks associated when I buy positive Yelp reviews?

No there are no risks when you buy positive or negative Yelp reviews. There can be issues if you get fake reviews on your Yelp page.

How can I identify reputable providers for buying Yelp reviews?

Look for providers with a track record of delivering authentic reviews and complying with Yelp’s guidelines. Read reviews and ask for references to gauge their reliability.

Can I specify what I want in the Yelp reviews I purchase?

Most providers allow you to provide some information about your business and your preferences for the Yelp reviews, such as key points or aspects to highlight.

Will Yelp users be able to tell if I’ve purchased reviews?

Generally you can’t tell the difference between positive yelp review bundles and organic reviews on yelp.

What’s the best way to acquire legitimate Yelp reviews?

Encourage satisfied customers to leave honest reviews on Yelp. Engage with customers, provide excellent Yelp review service, and make it easy for them to share their experiences on the platform.

Can I remove or delete Yelp reviews that I’ve purchased?

No, neither you nor the review provider can remove it once a review is posted on Yelp. Real people write reviews for your local businesses. As a business owner you can’t write reviews or directly post reviews. This ensures that your page is honest, allowing others to leave negative reviews.

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The June II 2024 issue of Business Review Magazine is now available in digital format, featuring the main cover story titled “Mihaela Bitu, ING Bank Romania: Banking makes dreams come true”. To
Antonio Usurelu | 28/06/2024 | 12:25
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