Best Research Paper Writing Service: Top 5 Companies to Choose From

Constantin Macri 28/07/2022 | 15:24

The truth often comes from the mouths of children. Kids often point out to their parents that their work doesn’t follow them home after the allotted 8 hours. Meanwhile, students are expected to study for 8 hours while in school, get home, eat, and then spend the rest of their evening writing homework.


Of course, it is physiologically impossible to pay attention for 12 hours per day, every day. And the situation stays the same when you go to college, with the added exception that at least, you are studying in your desired field of activity.

Still, academic writing can be counter-productive at times, and an entire online industry is dedicated to helping you with these tasks. There are online businesses who propose a simple trade: you give them money, and they give you access to a professional research paper writer. The advantages are obvious, if you can spare some cash in order to get some research paper writing help.

Some of the Best Research Paper Writing Services

  1. PaperHelp — The Most Popular, Best Overall [Rate 9.8]
  2. BBQPapers — The Best Quality [Rate 9.8]
  3. SpeedyPaper — Reasonable Price [Rate 9.6]
  4. EssayPro — Unique Writing Platform [Rate 9.4]
  5. ExpertWriting — Quick Delivery [Rate 9.2]

#1. PaperHelp — The Most Popular, Best Overall

PaperHelp review summary: PaperHelp is a popular research paper writing company that prides itself in offering high-quality essays, research papers and term papers written by professional writers. This service includes free revisions to ensure that every order ends with a smile.

The one thing we’ve always liked about essay writing companies is that they stay away from typical IT company naming conventions. If you’re not aware, IT companies usually develop a product, and then they give it a childish sounding name that has no ties to the function of the product.

Google, Bing, Yelp, and so on. With research paper writing companies, at least you know what you are getting. Do you need help with your research paper? Well, go to PaperHelp. The function is inherent in the title, when it comes to these types of companies.

Speaking of function, platforms like PaperHelp are highly effective and simple to use. They keep a versatile bunch of professional research paper writers available at all times. As a result, you can expect them to deliver any type of academic assignment, not just research papers.

For example, there are college students who have overdue book reviews. Meanwhile, others may need essays or cover letters. Regardless of the task, you can feel free to contact PaperHelp.

In terms of website design, PaperHelp’s main page is easy to navigate and understand.

We did not like the design, but that is very subjective and it should not affect your opinion of this product, because the research paper we ordered from the site was well-researched and of high quality.

PaperHelp has iOS and Android apps. It is worth mentioning that very few scam websites have apps, because developing an application would cut too deep into their profit margin. In general, if an online research paper writing service goes through the trouble of publishing an app, you can rest easy knowing that their efforts are legitimate.

The PaperHelp app not only exists, but it works fairly well. We’ve found very few complaints online regarding its quality.

Now we must focus on one of the most important features of this online research paper writing service.  There is a convenient price calculator on the front page that lets you estimate the final cost of your paper.

There are three known variables which you can easily input, and then the price is estimated. “Estimated” is the key word in this situation, because there can be other minor factors that can shift the price.

The support staff seems to be very responsive. However, we are writing this review in a period that one could assume is not so busy. We do not know how they handle a large volume of requests, but they seem to be ardent professionals.

Finally, we have the main product: the research papers and term papers themselves. According to forums and other reviews, customers are mostly happy with what they receive. Of course, there isn’t a brand that is universally loved, so they will have detractors.

For those cases, free rewrites and amendments are available. In case you don’t like the end result, you can always get your money back.

#2. BBQPapers — The Best Quality

BBQPapers review summary: BBQPapers is a premium research paper writing service. The prices here are a bit higher than usual, but so is the quality of papers that you get from this company. Every order is written by the top writer in the field and comes with a free plagiarism report.

Globalization is one of the most important and controversial forces in modern life. There are debates regarding its utility, or if it should be slowed or sped up. However, the inevitable conclusion is that it is here to stay.

Many people are dismayed as their lives and the lives of their countrymen can be damaged by outsourcing. Nobody likes to see jobs leaving their country.

The other side of the coin is that products become cheaper because the foreign workers are paid less. For example, a native English speaking writer can ask for rates 3-5 times higher than a writer from central Asia or Eastern Europe.

We are not telling you this to comment on politics, but to introduce you to BBQ Paper’s main selling point: this is a local US company. Sure, the term “Local” is debatable when your country is the size of a continent, but at least you get to sleep easy at night, knowing that your money stays within the economy of your nation.

As mentioned, native English speakers are much more expensive than writers who can live off 2-3 dollars per day. For example, the best research paper writing services usually charge customers per page. A standard rate across the industry is somewhere around $12 for a single page, which averages about 500 words.

Meanwhile BBQPapers almost seems a little embarrassed, and if you’re not careful you may miss the fact that their rates are per 100-words.

As a result, a typical one-page research paper from another company will cost about 12-15 USD, and a page from BBQPapers will cost around 35-40 USD. That is quite a price hike.

Still, the industry does tend to trust and value native writers more. Who would you trust more to write an essay in French: someone who is native to France, or someone in Australia who learned French by ear, from movies and pop culture.

Even when hiring a professional writer, there is a very tiresome attrition rate when it comes to non-natives. Of course, there are probably more foreign English-speaking professional writers working than native ones. Some of the best in the business are from India, Pakistan, or Eastern Europe. It’s just more of a hassle to find and hire them.

BBQPapers does not have those issues. In addition, they get many former academics who have worked in the US education system. These people know what to write in order to get an ‘A+”.

Now that we’ve covered the price, let’s take a look at their work. BBQPapers would not be on this list if their writing was lackluster. Just like any service, there is the occasional unhappy customer, but that is to be expected. It is literally impossible to please everyone.

Still, this term paper writing service has built a loyal following over the years, and these people aren’t misguided. They know that they are paying more, and still they choose to do so. This extra effort speaks more than 1000 blog posts, because customers are voting with their wallets.

The rest is standard. The website is a cookie-cutter website, the customer support system does its job, and the discounts are boilerplate.

#3. SpeedyPaper — Reasonable Price

SpeedyPaper review summary: SpeedyPaper delivers academic papers of good quality at a reasonable price. Even though the company mostly hires ESL writers, it doesn’t negatively affect the quality of ordered college papers.

Composing research paper writing service reviews can be a very boring job. The community is massive and the work is important. Without accurate reviews, people can easily fall into the traps set by scammers.

So why is it boring?  Well, the same websites stay in the top spots year after year. Of course, their place is guaranteed for a good reason: their service produces customer satisfaction and they have been around for a long time.

SpeedyPaper is one of those businesses. It is hard to find a top 10 or a top 5 list that does not include them. Amongst companies that write research papers, they are a household name.

The quality of their writing is consistently high, and they make sure to check written papers for other problems such as plagiarism. After all, even a solid research paper is useless if you get caught with plagiarism.

Your teachers and instructors did not give you these college assignments to test your ability of copying from a textbook. They already know that you have access to that information. Instead, research papers are a demonstration of methodology.

You get to practice making an academic argument, gathering and filtering information, and building a case like a detective. Plagiarism defeats the purpose of the entire exercise and that is why it is severely frowned upon.

In essence, SpeedyPaper produces works that are original and high quality.

In terms of dispute management, the customer is offered a system of revisions. If the paper comes back and it is not up to expectations, clients can ask the research paper helper to change or modify parts that are wrong. This can happen more than once, and up to three times.

Revisions are available within common sense. For example, if you asked for something and the online paper writer did not include it, then it is obvious that you are not at fault. But you can’t decide post-factum that you want an element or a point included.

This brings up to our next point, make sure that you plan out your request before contacting SpeedyPaper.  Write down every point and specification, because even the best writers are not mind-readers.

Overall, this is a solid service that deserves your attention.

#4. EssayPro — Unique Writing Platform

EssayPro review summary: EssayPro is an essay & research paper writing service that works as a freelance platform. You place an order and qualified writers start bidding on your assignment, so you can choose a writer yourself. The service is averagely priced and offers a free plagiarism report.

Unlike our previous mentions of services that offer research paper help, EssayPro is not so universally acclaimed. It is one of the best in the business by far, but you do tend to see some negative reviews as well.

The cause is mysterious, as multiple factors can lead to this bittersweet reception. First, is poor writer selection. It is very costly and time-intensive to make potential staff members jump through hoops, take tests, and prove their worth.

If you ask for credentials on top of proven skills, their asking rate will be very high. As a result, it can be tempting to just settle for as many freelancers as possible. Some of them will be brilliant, while others will prove to be lazy and unresponsive.

It is just the luck of the draw, when dealing with a global marketplace.

Also, this research paper service may not invest as much in marketing. All professional companies usually pay for people to cherry-pick comments, write positive reviews, and so on. This is not enough to turn a disastrous business into a successful one, but at least it skewes and brings up the rating a bit.

Overall, my personal experience and the experience of many other customers was positive. Are those who posted negative reviews lying? Most likely not.

Bad things can happen, and miscommunication can ruin even the best of assignments. As a customer, be sure that you know what you want. Explain everything in as much detail as possible, leaving no room for misunderstanding.

In terms of what makes EssayPro stand out, we really like their writer rating system. You can even block someone who you do not like, thus they cannot bid to work for you in the future.

We obtained a quick response from the support team, so no complaints there.

Overall, we have trusted this research paper service with my college papers in the past, and would recommend the company to others.

#5. ExpertWriting — Quick Delivery

ExpertWriting review summary: ExpertWriting is a bang for the buck if you need to write a short essay or a research paper. The website guarantees on time delivery, offers unlimited revisions and a partial money back guarantee in case you’re not satisfied with your paper.

It can be very hard to determine if the service is trustworthy, or it should be skipped. People that decide to drop a few hundred dollars on an important paper are doing so in order to save time.  That effort is negated if they need to start reading forums and investigating a chosen business.

ExpertWriting are some of the best paper writers in the field, but they also seem to have disappointed people in the past. The website is intuitive, and there is plenty of information on how to order.

In case you don’t like your paper, you will have some common methods of recourse. For example, customers can just ask for their money back. But the company can’t simply refund everyone who asks for it on a whim.

The client has to prove that his specifications and requirements were not met. Only when this is proven, can the refund proceed. Easier said than done right?

This process is one of the most time-consuming and frustrating aspects. Many negative reviews focused on refunds. However, a fair system will always be boring and tedious. Think of the US legal system in general.

You can’t jump to conclusions, and everything has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. So too, your claims of the essay not being written in accordance with your specifications.

Most complaints fall under delays and time management issues. This college paper writing service is good at what it does. But you can’t just invest all of your resources in good writers.

There are other roles that keep the wheels turning. Web developers and customer support staff are just as important. In their absence, the customers get frustrated.

In conclusion, if ExpertWriting hires a few more people to manage requests and disputes, they will become one of the best term paper writing services.

Additional questions

Now that we’ve covered the five best research paper writing services, let’s tackle some additional questions that an inquiring customer may have:

Will I Get Caught If I Buy a Custom Research Paper Online?

Only if you tell someone.  There’s an old saying that if two people know a secret, it’s not a secret anymore.

If you stick to popular, mainstream top-rated research paper platforms you will have no reason to worry. There are shadier sites who can sell information, that’s why it is important to stick to the popular platforms.

Are Paper Writing Services Legal and Safe?

The internet does not make laws, it just has to conform to them. Also, a new law can be passed tomorrow, banning the use of cheap research paper writing businesses. However, at this moment in time, these platforms are legal across the world.

We are not aware of a country that has made them illegal. Laws are more or less out of our hands, both as consumers and as service providers. However, safety is not. There is a small degree of operational security that every internet user should undergo.

Things like not having the same password for everything, not leaving your computer open and unattended or reading multiple reviews before purchase, can greatly increase security in general.

There are no security concerns specific to an essay writing service.

Will My Paper Be Written by Professional Research Paper Writers?

The answer to this question depends on your chosen business. Some just assign any of their available professional paper writers to your task. It is a randomized rotation, so you can get the best, or the worst.

Meanwhile, some top-rated custom research paper writing businesses offer some filtering methods. For example, clients can like and rate writers, and even block them. This shows preference, and they know not to give you somewhere whose work you do not like.

Other platforms even have premium features that allow you to pay extra for their VIP writers. Again, it depends on which service is chosen.

The Dangers of Using a Research Paper Writing Service

When I was a kid, my first bike had training wheels, because I was too scared to start learning to ride a proper bike. However, I got so used to the training wheels that it was very hard to ride normally.

This can be the case with essay services. These services are meant for people with emergencies in their lives, or just beginners who want an example of how it’s done. But there are wealthier college students who use them as a crutch to not write academic papers themselves.

Having someone do your work for you takes away the opportunity for practice. And only by practicing can you get better.

Can I Pay Someone to Write My Research Papers?

If you just pay “Someone”, what’s stopping them from not delivering? Selling custom research papers is as old as schools themselves. However, these online services are accountable. You can ask for rewrites, refunds, or corrections.

Are Research Paper Services Worth It?

This is a question that you get to answer. For example, during my student years, I’ve had moments of near mental breakdowns. Working a job while studying and trying to maintain a social life drained me of my energy.

There were moments when we would have paid a few hundred dollars just for a full night sleep.

For others, their money is more important, so they prefer doing the work themselves.

Ideally, as a student; you’re an adult now and you have to come up with your answer to that time/money balance.


Research paper writing services are getting more popular, and that’s because they provide a good product. The main takeaways would be to stay clear from the smaller platforms because they can be scammers. Also, anything else regarding morality, budgeting and value is up to you to decide.

Analyze your life and your resources, and decide if the time saved is worth the money spent. For tens of thousands of people, the answer to that question is often “yes”.



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