#StaySafe | BR Daily outbreak updates from Romania

Mihai-Alexandru Cristea 18/03/2020 | 15:32

April 8.

4,761 confirmed Coronavirus cases were reported today in Romania. Suceava county and Bucharest remain the most affected areas, with 1,430 and 637 cases respectively, followed by Timis county with 227.

210 persons infected with COVID-19 have died since the beginning of the outbreak. Only 162 patients remain in intensive care, 112 less than yesterday. 528 patients were declared healed and released from medical care.

April 7.

4,417 confirmed cases of Coronavirus are reported today in Romania, 360 more than yesterday. 460 patients have been declared healed and released from medical care, while 182 have died. 274 people are in the ICU.

25,379 people are in institutionalized quarantine, while another 91,369 are under medical observation in home isolation.

All 41 Romanian counties, plus the city of Bucharest, have reported cases of Coronavirus. The number of patients by county is as follows.

  1. Suceava – 1,322
  2. Bucharest – 598
  3. Timis – 191
  4. Neamt – 182
  5. Arad – 161
  6. Hunedoara – 158
  7. Brasov – 156
  8. Galati – 133
  9. Cluj – 119
  10. Constanta – 119
  11. Ilfov – 99
  12. Iasi – 92
  13. Mures – 92
  14. Botosani – 86
  15. Vrancea – 79
  16. Ialomita – 72
  17. Bistrita-Nasaud – 70
  18. Sibiu – 69
  19. Bihor – 55
  20. Covasna – 55
  21. Alba – 50
  22. Bacau – 47
  23. Maramures – 43
  24. Prahova – 36
  25. Giurgiu – 34
  26. Calarasi – 33
  27. Arges – 31
  28. Teleorman – 31
  29. Dolj – 29
  30. Dambovita – 25
  31. Caras-Severin – 23
  32. Satu Mare – 27
  33. Vaslui – 15
  34. Buzau – 13
  35. Mehedinti – 13
  36. Braila – 12
  37. Olt – 11
  38. Salaj – 11
  39. Valcea – 9
  40. Gorj – 7
  41. Tulcea – 6
  42. Harghita – 3

April 6.

4,057 confirmed Coronavirus cases were reportted today in Romania.

176 deaths were confirmed since the beginning of the outbreak.

April 5.

Romania reached the number of 3,864 people infected with COVID-19.

151 deaths were confirmed since the beginning of the outbreak.

374 people were declared healed and released from medical care.

There are 141 patients treated in the intensive care unit at this point.

108,810 people are under home isolation under medical observation.

April 4.

430 new cases of Coronavirus were recorded on Saturday in Romania, a new high in a 24-hour span. At this point 3,613 COVID-19 patients are confirmed in Romania.

329 persons were declared healed and released from medical care.

140 people diagnosed with Coronavirus have died so for in Romania.

April 3.

Romania surpassed another important number today, in terms of Coronavirus patients, reaching 3,183.

281 patients were treated and declared recovered, being released from medical care.

The number of deaths due to COVID-19 grew considerably in the past 24 hours, now standing at 133.


April 2.

Today, Romania reached 2,738 cases of Coronavirus, with 278 new confirmed patients in the past 24 hours. From the total number of COVID-19 patients, 350 are doctors, medical assistants, and nurses.

267 patients were treated and declared recovered, being released from medical care.

The number of deaths due to COVID-19 now stands at 107.

April 1.

With 215 new cases of Coronavirus infections, Romania reached today a total of 2,460 COVID-19 patients.

252 patients were treated and declared recovered, being released from medical care.

A total of 86 persons have died so far from COVID-19.

57 patients are in the ICU, 34 of them in critical condition.

12,218 people are in institutionalized quarantine, while another 119,218 are in home isolation under medical observation.

March 31.

293 new Coronavirus cases have been reported today in Romania, taking the total number of COVID-19 infections over the 2,000 threshold, triggering the so called Scenario 4. There are 2,245 patients diagnosed with Coronavirus currently in Romania.

220 people with Coronavirus recovered and were released from medical care.

72 people have died so far, 26 only in the past 24 hours. 62 patients are in the ICU, 36 in critical condition.

11,576 people are in institutionalized quarantine, while another 123,577 are in home isolation under medical observation.

March 30.

In less than a week after hitting one thousand confirmed Coronavirus cases, Romania is now closing in on the two thousand figure, the so-called 4th scenario, in which 36 more hospitals which are currently only support units will start taking in Coronavirus patients, adding another 8,000 hospital beds to the existing 2,300. Also, in scenario 4, light to medium cases will be treated at home, under medical supervision, sometimes even by volunteers, and only patients with coronavirus and moderate-severe and critical cases will be treated in hospital, said Health Minister Nelu Tătaru.

With 192 new cases in the past 24 hours, the COVID-19 patients count in Romania now stands at 1,952. The new patients are aged 1 to 90.

Coronavirus-related deaths have reached to 46, while 209 persons diagnosed with COVID-19 have been declared cured and released from medical care.

53 patients are in the ICU, 33 of them in critical condition.

March 29.

With 308 new Coronavirus cases confirmed in the past 24 hours, Romania now reached 1,760 COVID-19 infections. This is the highest number of infected people in a 24-hour span since the start of the outbreak, more than one month ago. Of the 308, the youngest patient to have contracted the virus is under 1 year old, the oldest 89.

38 persons have died so far, in hospitals from Bucharest, Craiova, Iași, Suceava, Arad, Bacău, Timișoara, Cluj, Neamț, Hunedoara, Constanța and Ialomița, while another 38 are in ICU, 31 of them in critical condition.

169 people who were diagnosed with Coronavirus have been declared recovered and released from medical care.

8,666 people are currently under institutionalized quarantine, while another 132,641 people are under medical observation in home isolation.

March 28.

160 new Coronavirus infection were confirmed today in Romania. This takes the total number of COVID-19 patients in Romania to 1452.

29 Coronavirus patients have died since the beginning of the outbreak, all of them also suffering from pre-existent illnesses.

34 persons are in the intensive care unit, 25 of them in critical condition.

139 persons have been declared cured and released from medical care.

A large shipment of medical supplies from South Korea has landed this morning in Bucharest.

March 27.

The largest 24-hour increase in Coronavirus cases has been reported today in Romania. 263 new infections with COVID-19 has been confirmed since yesterday, the youngest new patient being under 1 year, the oldest 94. The total number of Coronavirus cases in Romania now reaches 1,292.

6 more people have died since yesterday, taking COVID-19’s death toll in Romania to 24. Another 24 are in critical condition in various Romanian hospitals.

115 have been declared cured and released from medical care (53 in Timișoara, inBucharest, 7 in Iași, 6 in Craiova, 6 in Constanța and 2 in Cluj).

7,219 people are in institutionalized quarantine and another 124,320 are under medical care in home isolation.

March 26.

It’s been a month since the first Coronavirus case was confirmed in Romania, on February 26, 2020. Since then, 1,029 cases have been reported, 123 just in the past 24 hours (the new patients are aged 7 to 87), meaning that, at exactly one month since the first COVID-19 infection, Romania surpassed the 1,000 infected people mark. What’s worse, from this figure, 153 are medics or auxiliary medical staff which are rendered unable to work, in a time we need them more than ever. A statement from the Ministry of Health shows that 70 out of the 153 are medics, 50 are medical assistants, 15 are nurses, and 17 are auxiliary staff. This means that 17% of the total number of Coronavirus are medics or auxiliary medical staff.

18 people have died so far due to Coronavirus, 5 only since yesterday. 94 were declared healed from the infectious disease and released from medical care.


An interactive chart by Our World in Data, showing countries flattening their COVID-19 curves.

March 25.

144 new cases of Coronavirus were reported today in Romania. The new patients are aged 3 to 79. In total, Romania now has 906 people infected with the COVID-19 virus. 5 more people have died since yesterday, bringing the total number of deaths to 13, while another 8 patients are in critical condition. Also, 8 Romanian citizens living abroad have died from the infectious disease: 7 were living in Italy and 1 in France.

86 people were officially declared healed from Coronavirus and released from medical care: 53 in Timișoara, 23 in Bucharest, 6 in Craiova, 2 in Constanța, 1 in Cluj and 1 in Iași.

6,016 people are in institutionalized quarantine and another 96,055 are under medical care in home isolation.

Today at noon, new restrictions came into effect through a third military ordinance issued Tuesday evening. With few exceptions, almost all public circulation has been restricted through the ordinance and the military has been mobilized on the streets to impose the new regulations. Read the full text of the Military Ordinance no. 3 from 24.03.2020 on the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) website.

March 24.

While we were hoping for yesterday’s record of 143 new cases of Coronavirus to be the peak of the outbreak in Romania, today, another 186 cases were reported, surpassing Monday’s figures. The new confirmed patients are aged 4 to 85. In total, Romania has 762 confirmed cases of Coronavirus.

8 people have died so far, all of them also suffering from a pre-existent illness. They were being treated in hospitals from Bucharest, Suceava, Craiova and Iași. 6 more patients are in critical condition.

79 people have been declared healed from Coronavirus and released from medical care (53 in Timișoara, 19 in Bucharest, 3 in Craiova, 2 in Constanța, 1 in Cluj and 1 in Iași).

5,515 people are under institutionalized quarantine, while another 83,970 are under home observation.

Through a statement released on Saturday evening by Romanian Interior Affairs Minister, Ion Marcel Vela, and state secretaries Bogdan Despescu and Raed Arafat, an unprecedented military ordinance was instituted, starting with Monday, March 23. The military ordinance will restrict public circulation and will close the Romanian borders, among other measures. Read The full text of the military ordinance on the Interior Affairs Ministry (MAI) website.

March 23.

143 new cases of Coronavirus were confirmed today in Romania, the most recorded cases in a 24-hour span since the start of the outbreak. The total number of COVID-19 patients now reaches 576. The new patients are aged 5 to 76.

A total of 4 persons infected with the virus died. All of them had a pre-existent illness. Of the 576 patients, 7 are in critical condition.

73 people have been declared healed from Coronavirus and released from medical care.

5,066 people are under institutionalized quarantine, while another 72,247 are under home observation.

According to The Strategic Communication Group (Grupul de Comunicare Strategică), 1,361 ventilators (vital for Coronavirus patients) are available in Romanian hospitals, with another 1,000 due to reach the country this week.

March 22.

First two casualties were confirmed today in Romania, the patient in critical condition from Craiova, a 67-year-old also suffering from cancer, and the other critical patient at the Victor Babeș Hospital in Bucharest, a 74-year-old, who was also suffering from diabetes.

As of today, there are 433 confirmed Coronavirus patients in Romania, with 66 additional cases since yesterday, aged 9 to 74. 3 patients are in critical condition.

64 people have been declared healed from Coronavirus and released from medical care: (47 in Timișoara, 11 in București, 3 in Craiova, 2 in Constanța and 1 in Iași).

4,803 people are under institutionalized quarantine, while another 65,799 are under home observation.

March 21.

Romania reaches 367 persons with Coronavirus, with 59 additional cases since yesterday. The youngest of the new patients is only 1-year-old, the oldest 79.

So far, 52 people have been declared healed from Coronavirus and released from medical care.

4,207 people are under institutionalized quarantine, while another 55,198 are under home observation.

March 20.

On Friday, the count of confirmed Coronavirus cases reached 308, reports The Strategic Communication Group (Grupul de Comunicare Strategică). This means 31 people were confirmed to have contacted the virus since yesterday, their ages ranging from 17 to 89.

Two patients are in critical condition, one in Craiova and one at the Victor Babeș Hospital, in Bucharest.

31 patients were declared healed and released from medical care.

4,044 persons are under institutionalized quarantine, while another 45,432 are in home isolation under medical observation.

March 19.

The total tally of confirmed Coronavirus cases reached 277 on Thursday, announced The Strategic Communication Group (Grupul de Comunicare Strategică), with 17 new cases since Wednesday evening. The age of the newly confirmed patients ranges from 19 and 67.

A total 25 people recovered after being discovered with COVID-19 and were released from medical care (16 in Timisoara, 8 in Bucharest and 1 in Iasi).

One patient in Craiova, also suffering from a pre-existent illness, is in critical condition.

The Strategic Communication Group (Grupul de Comunicare Strategică) announced today that it will update the Coronavirus balance just once per day, at 1 PM. Until today, the balance was reported on twice per day, at 10 AM and 6 PM.

March 18.

43 new cases of infection with COVID-19 were confirmed on Wednesday in Romania, bringing the total number Coronavirus patients to 260. Romanian health authorities also report that 19 persons recovered from the illness and were released from medical care.

There are also 3,441 persons in institutionalized quarantine who are currently being tested if they have contacted the COVID-19 virus, while another 23,679 people are under medical observation at home.

On Monday, Romanian authorities have declared a 30-day State of Emergency, through a decree signed by President Klaus Iohannis. This means that during the State of Emergency, which can be extended at the end of the 30 days, if needed, authorities can take certain dispositions more easily, such as suspending public gatherings, stricter customs control, or even shutting down borders completely, among others.

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